Call Suppression
    • 22 Jan 2024
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    Call Suppression

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    When the dialing limit (maximum number of allowed attempts) is reached, the system may temporarily prevent (suppress) calls to a phone number.


    The Call suppression feature (previously referred to as Hardcaps and Hardcaps exceptions) restricts the number of times a phone number may be dialed per day.


    Call suppression relies on redialing limits that you can set at the contact center and team level.

    Limits on the number of times a phone number may be called might be required in your jurisdiction due to rules, regulations, or internal policies to prevent excessive or inappropriate use of outbound dialing, such as in sales or collections processes. Redialing limits restrict the number of times a specific phone number is dialed within a certain time period. Call suppression can help to maintain a positive customer experience.


    Call suppression redial limits are applied to manually dialed calls and click-to-call dialing.

    Use the Exceptions tab to specify phone numbers that should not be suppressed. Add phone numbers to the Exceptions list to ensure that necessary information reaches specific contacts promptly, potentially helping to mitigate risk or providing critical support.

    • Numbers removed from the Call suppression list may be added back automatically if the number of calls to the phone number reaches the specified maximum for the day. To ensure that a phone number is not added to the Call suppression list, add it to the Exceptions list.
    • If you select the Exclude failed calls option, calls with the Failed disposition are not counted when determining the number of times a phone number is called in a day.
    • A call with the Answered Disposition code is counted when determining the number of times a phone number is called in a day.

    Setting up Call suppression

    To use the Call suppression feature, you must enable it on the Contact Center settings page. The behavior of the feature is also modified by the maximum call attempts specified for individual teams and by the Exceptions list.

    Contact center settings

    To enable the Call suppression feature, follow these steps:

    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Administration > System settings and scroll down to the Call suppression section.
    2. Click Call suppression enabled.
    3. To exclude calls with the Failed disposition from the calculation of the maximum call attempts, select the Exclude failed calls option.
    4. Use the Max call attempts field to specify the number of call attempts to a phone number before dialing is suppressed until the next day. This value is the global limit. Call attempts include Click-to-call and manually dialed phone numbers.
    5. For Click-to-call and manually dialed phone numbers, you can specify an audio message to be played to agents when they attempt to call a suppressed number.
    6. Click Save.
    7. The Call suppression option is added to the Outbound menu.

    System Settings Call Suppression

    Teams settings


    Call suppression must be enabled for the Max call attempts field to be available in the Teams settings page.

    You can set a lower maximum number of call attempts to a phone number limit for teams than the global limit. To set a team limit, follow these steps:

    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Users > Teams.
    2. Click the name of the team to be modified to display the Edit team page.
    3. In the Max call attempts field, specify the maximum number of call attempts allowed by team members before an outbound number is suppressed. This limit cannot exceed the global limit set in the contact center settings.
    4. Click Save.

    If an agent is a member of more than one team, and there are different Max call attempts values set for one or more teams, the highest maximum value (least restrictive limit) is used.

    Outbound Call Suppression Team Max Call Attempts


    To ensure that specific phone numbers never get added to the call suppression list, you can add phone numbers to the Exceptions list. Follow these steps:

    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Outbound > Call suppression.
    2. Click the Exceptions tab.
    3. Click Add exception.
    4. In the Add exception panel, enter the phone number.
    5. Click Save.

    Outbound Call Suppression Add Exception Panel

    Edit an exception

    To edit the phone number for an exception, click the number in the Exceptions list and modify the phone number in the Edit exception panel. Click Save.

    Delete an exception

    To delete an exception, click Delete (trash can icon) in the Exceptions list in the number row.

    Call suppression list

    The Call suppression page lists phone numbers that are suppressed after the maximum number of unsuccessful call attempts was reached. Suppressed phone numbers are not allowed to be redialed until after midnight of the day they were suppressed.

    Outbound Call Suppression Suppressed Numbers List

    The Supressed numbers tab (1) contains a table of phone numbers that cannot be called again during the current day. The Numbers column (3) displays the list of suppressed phone numbers. Depending on the permissions granted to you, you might see the numbers (4), an account ID, or the Hidden number label.

    The Suppressed for column (5) displays the scope of dialing suppression, either Callcenter (globally) (6) or Team: <team name> (one or more teams) (7).

    To remove a number from the Suppressed numbers list (1), click Delete (the trash can icon) (8).

    The Exceptions tab (2) contains a list of numbers that the maximum dialing attempts does not apply. There is no maximum number of times these numbers may be redialed.

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