Wrap-up codes
    • 19 Jan 2024
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    Wrap-up codes

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    Who should read this article: Administrators

    Define codes specific to your business profile that indicate call outcomes. Agents assign Wrap-up codes during after-call work activities.


    Voiso automatically assigns call Disposition codes to voice calls, such as Answered, Busy, and No answer. Call dispositions are technical in nature and do not give you insight into the business outcome of a conversation.

    Use the Voiso Wrap-up codes to define custom call outcomes based on your business processes or organizational needs. At the end of each interaction, during their After Call Work, your agents can apply a business outcome Wrap-up code to the interaction.

    You can query the CDR database, create historical reports, monitor Wrap-up code use by team in real time, or view the Dialer campaign report to gain insight into call outcomes.

    Creating wrap-up codes

    To create and manage wrap-up codes, in the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Administration > Wrap-up codes to display the Wrap-up codes page.

    Wrap-up Codes View Default

    To create a new wrap-up code, follow these steps:

    1. Click Add wrap-up code to display the Add wrap-up code panel.
      Wrap-up Codes Add Wrap-up Code
    2. Add the code number of the new Wrap-up code in the Code field. Wrap-up code numbers can have up to 4 digits.
    3. In the Description field, add the word or phrase to be displayed to agents in the Select a wrap-up code screen of the Agent Panel.
    4. Click Save. The new code is added to the Wrap-up codes page.
      Wrap-up Codes Delete Code

    To set the default wrap-up code, click the star next to the name of the code.

    To delete a code, click the trash can icon (Delete button) at the far right of the code field.


    The default wrap-up code cannot be deleted. To delete the default code, first set another code to be the default code.

    To edit a code, click the code name to open the Edit wrap-up code page, edit the code or description, then click Save.


    To review wrap-up code use, use the Dialer campaign reports, Historical reports, the Real-time dashboard, and the Call Detail Record (CDR).

    Dialer campaign reports

    The Dialer Campaign report that Voiso automatically generates when a campaign is completed contains a list of wrap-up code counts that you can use to evaluate the success of your campaign. Refer to Dialer campaigns for more information about the campaign report.

    Wrap-up Codes Dialer Campaign Report

    Historical reports

    You can create historical reports that track wrap-up code use. To generate a report for inbound and manual and click-to-call outbound calls, in the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Reporting > Historical reports to display the Scheduled reports page.

    To display the Create report page, follow these steps:

    1. Click Create report.
    2. From the Report type menu, select Wrap-up Codes.
    3. Select one or both of the Manual outbound and click-to-call calls and Inbound calls options.
    4. Click Run report.
      Wrap-up Codes Create Wrap-up Codes Report

    For more information about creating and running reports, refer to Historical reports.

    Real-time dashboard

    You can create a Real-time Dashboard widget that tracks wrap-up codes. To create a report, in the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Reporting > Real-time dashboard to display the Real-time dashboard page.

    To add a new Wrap-up Codes widget, follow these steps:

    1. To display the Add new widget panel, click Add widget.
    2. Select Wrap-up Codes, then click Add.
    3. Select the elements to add to the widget and save the new widget to add it to your Real-time dashboard.
    4. Click Save.

    The Wrap-up Codes Real-time dashboard displays a pie chart and count of each wrap-up code.

    Wrap-up Codes Real-time Dashboard

    For more information about creating widgets, refer to the Real-time dashboard article.


    Wrap-up codes are a filterable field in the CDR. Choose one or more codes from the Wrap-up code menu. For more information about creating CDR filters, refer to CDR.

    Wrap-up Codes CDR

    Agent Panel

    Wrap-up codes are displayed in the Select a wrap-up code screen of the Agent Panel. Agents click a wrap-up code as part of After Call Work.

    Wrap-up Codes Agent Panel

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