Getting started
    • 03 Mar 2025
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    Getting started

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Agents

    The Agent Panel is a powerful yet simple-to-use tool that enables you to easily make and receive calls, join outbound campaigns, and monitor your performance.


    The Agent Panel is a web application for Agents to perform their work in a contact center. The Agent Panel lets you:


    To log into Voiso and access the Agent Panel, navigate to the Voiso contact center URL, provided by your administrator or supervisor, using a web browser.


    The Voiso application works best in the latest version of the Google Chrome browser.

    Voiso Login 060723

    1. In your browser, navigate to your contact center's Voiso contact center sign-in page. Ask your administrator for the homepage URL.
    2. Enter your username (your Voiso contact center email address) and password.

    As a security feature that protects your account from attacks, your administrator might activate temporary account lockout . If this feature is activated and you enter incorrect credentials a certain number of times, your account might experience a temporary lock.

    If your account is temporarily locked, don't worry. Just follow the simple on-screen instructions. You have the choice to either wait for the specified time until your account is automatically unlocked or reach out to your administrator, who can promptly assist you in unlocking your account.

    1. Click Sign in.
    2. If pop-ups and redirects are blocked, select Allow and click Done.
    3. To open the Agent Panel, click the Agent Panel icon in the navigation bar.
    4. When the Agent Panel is displayed for the first time, you are asked to allow Voiso to use your microphone. Click Allow.
    5. If your browser does not have permission to use your microphone, a dialog box might be displayed asking permission. Allow your browser to use your microphone as well. You might have to enable your microphone in your browser settings.
    6. To change your microphone settings or choose a different microphone, click the microphone icon.
    7. Modify the settings, then click Done. To modify your browser's microphone settings, click Manage.
    8. Your softphone is now ready to use.
    9. To start receiving inbound calls or outbound campaign calls, set your status to Available.
    10. To make an outbound call, use the dial pad.

    CRM integration login

    Some contact centers integrate the Voiso Agent Panel inside their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application. Voiso supports many popular and niche CRMs, including Salesforce, Zoho, and Hubspot. Consult your supervisor or administrator about how to log into Voiso from your organization's CRM.

    Home screen

    The Voiso Agent Panel home screen is a dial pad that you can use to make outgoing phone calls to contacts (external people your organization interacts with, such as clients, customers, patients, and sales leads) or internal targets, such as another agent, a calling queue, or back office personnel.

    Agent Panel Default Home Screen

    Refer to Outbound calls for information about how to use the dial pad to make a call.

    Switch screens

    There are four icons at the bottom of the Agent Panel that enable you to switch between screens.

    Agent Panel Switch Screen Buttons

    From left to right, the icons are:

    Status menu

    Your current availability status, and how long you have been in that status, are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Agent Panel.

    Agent Panel Status Menu Available

    AvailableReady to accept an inbound call or an outbound campaign call
    Dialer outboundYou are handling an outbound dialer campaign call.
    Dialer waitingYou are in an outbound dialer campaign and you are available and waiting to be connected to the next call
    Dialing inYou have joined an outbound dialer campaign and the dialer is dialing you.
    IdleThis status is set automatically if you have not used the Agent Panel for a while but you are still logged in
    InboundYou are currently engaged in an inbound phone call
    LogoutThis status is set automatically if you have not used the Agent Panel for a while or if Agent Panel has become disconnected from your network, but you are still logged in
    OutboundYou are currently engaged in an outbound phone call or an outbound campaign call
    RingingYou have an active inbound call that you have not answered.
    Unavailable reasonNot ready to accept an inbound call or an outbound campaign call. Unavailable statuses are displayed as reasons for being unavailable, such as meetings, training, or lunch break

    Use the Status menu to manually set your availability or unavailability (with a reason) to take calls or to log out from Voiso. To display the Status menu, click the Status bar at the bottom of the Agent Panel.

    Agent Panel Status Menu Click To Open

    Dialer campaigns screen

    The Dialer Campaigns screen contains a list of all the active outbound calling campaigns that you are assigned to.

    Click the Dialer campaigns icon to switch to the Dialer campaigns screen. To join a campaign, select it.

    Agent Panel Joining a Dialer Campaign

    For more information about the Dialer campaigns screen, refer to Outbound campaigns.

    Call history screen

    The Call history screen contains a list of all the phone calls you have handled. You can access your call history in three different views, All calls, Inbound, and Outbound. Scroll the screen to see more calls.

    To call a number again, click it.

    Agent Panel Call History Screen

    To view the details of a call, click the kebab menu button. The Call details screen displays the contact's number, the date and time of the call, the call duration, the call result, and the Wrap-up code you assigned to the call.

    Agent Panel Call Call Details View

    To call a contact from the Call details screen, click Call.

    The contents of the Menu screen depend on how your account has been set up by your administrator. By default, it contains the CID groups and Agent metrics menus.

    Agent Panel Default Menu Screen

    CID groups

    The CID groups menu displays the current Caller ID (CID) group that is displayed to contacts on their phone when you make an outbound call. For Outbound campaigns, your CID groups setting is overridden by the campaign settings.

    To change your CID group, click CID groups, then find and select a new CID group from the Select a Caller ID group menu. You can use the search feature or scroll the menu to find a CID group.

    Agent Panel Select a CID Group Menu

    Agent metrics

    The Agent metrics menu displays a list of metrics and KPIs that tell you about your work performance. For details, refer to the Agent metrics article.

    Using Call notes

    Users with the Call notes feature enabled have the Notes button availble in the call controls.

    Call Notes Using Call Notes In Agent Panel

    To use the Call notes feature, follow these steps:

    1. During a phone call, click the Notes button in the call controls page.
    2. Enter your notes in the Notes page.
    3. Click Back to return to the call controls page.
    4. After the call ends, during the After Call Work stage, the Notes page displays again. Add or edit your notes.
    5. Click Next to save your notes.
    6. Select a wrap-up code.

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