Basic user roles
    • 04 Feb 2025
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    Basic user roles

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    Who should read this article: Administrators

    Learn about the roles in Voiso's "Startup" plan – Admin, Supervisor, Analyst, Agent, and Hardware Phone – including their features and configurable options.


    A user is anyone in your contact center responsible for administration, supervision, data analysis, or handling interactions as an agent. These responsibilities are called roles. Contact centers that are on the Voiso's "Startup" plan or contact centers without Security Access Groups enabled have the following user roles pre-defined:

    • Admin
    • Supervisor
    • Analyst
    • Agent
    • Hardware Phone

    This article provides an overview of the features assigned to each role, including which features are configurable.

    The Voiso basic user roles simplify the management of users in your contact center. Each role has slightly different permissions, some of which may be configured either individually, or in bulk. As your contact center grows, you may consider adding Security Access Groups to give you more complex user permission options.


    By default, no new user has the ability to handle calls. To grant the ability, create a user account, assign a role, save the user account, then assign Allow manual outbound calls. For users you want to allow to use the Voiso Agent Panel softphone, assign the WebRTC Enabled permission.

    Creating users and assigning roles

    To create and manage user accounts, navigate to the Users page by selecting Users > Users from the Voiso main menu.

    To add a single user:

    1. Navigate to Users > Users from the Voiso main menu.
    2. Click Add user.
    3. Specify the user's properties.
    4. Select a role from the Role menu.
    5. Click Save.
    • Every user account you create starts out with the default options for the agent role configured. To view and set the permissions for other roles, edit the user account after you have saved it for the first time.
    • When you save a new user profile or update an existing user's email address, Voiso automatically sends a confirmation email to the specified address. The recipient must confirm their email to activate the user account.

    Modifying user role permissions

    A user role defines the access permissions available to a user in your contact center. In the Startup plan, five predefined roles are available:

    You assign roles to users by using the Add user or Edit user pages.

    Users Add User View

    Each role has default permissions tailored to its responsibilities. While some permissions are fixed, others can be modified based on your contact center's needs. Detailed permission tables are provided in the role descriptions below.

    To view or modify a user's permissions:

    1. Select the username from the Users table to open the Edit user page.
    2. Review or adjust the permissions as needed.
    3. Click Save to apply the changes.

    Role permissions

    The following subsections outline the features assigned to each role. Each subsection includes a table detailing the default settings for available features and whether they can be modified. For some roles there are settings that are enabled and cannot be disabled.


    The tables describe the role permissions that are available after the user account is saved for the first time.


    The Admin role provides features for users who set up features for other user roles as well as contact center operations. Users with the Admin role also have access to reporting features, including the Real-time Dashboard, Historical Reports, and Call Detail Records.

    Feature permissionDefault settingEditableDescription
    Allow manual outbound callsDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to make manually dialed outgoing calls to contacts. It is not necessary to grant this permission for outbound dialer only agents.
    Allow external transfersDisabledYesThe user may transfer calls to phone numbers outside the contact center, including to subject matter experts or higher tier support personnel.
    Allow Feature Access CodeDisabledYesFeature Access Codes are special codes that supervisors may enter into Agent Panel to monitor agents handling calls on third-party phones.
    WebRTC EnabledDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to handle calls. Users without this permission granted only have access using a Hardware Phone.
    Dashboard Number MaskingEnabledYesThe user may not view a contact's phone number. If this privilege is disabled, the contact's account ID (for CRM calls) or the Hidden number placeholder is displayed instead.
    Disable recordings downloadEnabledYesThe user may not download call recordings.
    Click-to-call client number maskingEnabledYesFor click-to-call dialed numbers, the user may see a contact's phone number instead of the contact's account ID or the Hidden number placeholder in Agent Panel.
    Allow click-to-callDisabledYesThe user may initiate calls in a CRM by clicking an icon or link instead of manually dialing the number.
    Allow CDR downloadDisabledYesThe user may download selected CDRs as a CSV file.
    Allow HLR LookupEnabledYesThe user may initiate a Home Location Register (HLR) Lookup request, real-time phone number validation, from the call history in the Agent Panel.
    CDR enabledEnabledNoThe user may view call detail records.
    Historic reports enabledEnabledNoThe user may access and create reports about contact center performance.
    Enable access to support chatDisabledYesUser may access the Voiso premium support chat to get faster turnaround on Voiso support requests.


    The Agent role provides the most common contact center features for users who handle interactions. Agents do not have permission to use reporting, supervisory, or administrative features; however, you can use the available features in the Administration feature area to specify which user interfaces the agent may access.

    Feature permissionDefault settingEditableDescription
    Allow manual outbound callsDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to make manually dialed outgoing calls to contacts. It is not necessary to grant this permission for outbound dialer only agents.
    Allow external transfersDisabledYesThe user may transfer calls to phone numbers outside the contact center, including to subject matter experts or higher tier support personnel.
    Allow Feature Access CodeDisabledYesFeature Access Codes are special codes that supervisors may enter into Agent Panel to monitor agents handling calls on third-party phones.
    WebRTC EnabledDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to handle calls. Users without this permission granted only have access using a Hardware Phone.
    Dashboard Number MaskingEnabledYesThe user may not view a contact's phone number. If this privilege is disabled, the contact's account ID (for CRM calls) or the Hidden number placeholder is displayed instead.
    Disable recordings downloadEnabledYesThe user may not download call recordings.
    Click-to-call client number maskingEnabledYesFor click-to-call dialed numbers, the user may see a contact's phone number instead of the contact's account ID or the Hidden number placeholder in Agent Panel.
    Allow click-to-callDisabledYesThe user may initiate calls in a CRM by clicking an icon or link instead of manually dialing the number.
    Allow CDR downloadDisabledYesThe user may download selected CDRs as a CSV file.
    Allow HLR LookupEnabledYesThe user may initiate a Home Location Register (HLR) Lookup request, real-time phone number validation, from the call history in the Agent Panel.
    CDR enabledDisabledNoThe user may view call detail records.
    Historic reports enabledDisabledNoThe user may access and create reports about contact center performance.
    Enable access to support chatDisabledYesUser may access the Voiso premium support chat to get faster turnaround on Voiso support requests.


    The Analyst role is designed for specialist users who review Call Detail Records. Grant the CDR enabled permission to enable this capability.

    Feature permissionDefault settingEditableDescription
    Allow manual outbound callsDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to make manually dialed outgoing calls to contacts. It is not necessary to grant this permission for outbound dialer only agents.
    Allow external transfersDisabledYesThe user may transfer calls to phone numbers outside the contact center, including to subject matter experts or higher tier support personnel.
    Allow Feature Access CodeDisabledYesFeature Access Codes are special codes that supervisors may enter into Agent Panel to monitor agents handling calls on third-party phones.
    WebRTC EnabledDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to handle calls. Users without this permission granted only have access using a Hardware Phone.
    Dashboard Number MaskingEnabledYesThe user may not view a contact's phone number. If this privilege is disabled, the contact's account ID (for CRM calls) or the Hidden number placeholder is displayed instead.
    Disable recordings downloadEnabledYesThe user may not download call recordings.
    Click-to-call client number maskingEnabledYesFor click-to-call dialed numbers, the user may see a contact's phone number instead of the contact's account ID or the Hidden number placeholder in Agent Panel.
    Allow click-to-callDisabledYesThe user may initiate calls in a CRM by clicking an icon or link instead of manually dialing the number.
    Allow CDR downloadDisabledYesThe user may download selected CDRs as a CSV file.
    Allow HLR LookupEnabledYesThe user may initiate a Home Location Register (HLR) Lookup request, real-time phone number validation, from the call history in the Agent Panel.
    CDR enabledDisabledYesThe user may view call detail records.
    Historic reports enabledDisabledNoThe user may access and create reports about contact center performance.
    Enable access to support chatDisabledYesUser may access the Voiso premium support chat to get faster turnaround on Voiso support requests.

    Hardware Phone

    Like users with the Agent role, users with the Hardware Phone role handle interactions. However, users with the Hardware Phone role cannot sign in to the Voiso application. All calls are handled using a hardware phone.

    Feature permissionDefault settingEditableDescription
    Allow manual outbound callsDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to make manually dialed outgoing calls to contacts. It is not necessary to grant this permission for outbound dialer only agents.
    Allow external transfersDisabledYesThe user may transfer calls to phone numbers outside the contact center, including to subject matter experts or higher tier support personnel.
    Allow Feature Access CodeDisabledYesFeature Access Codes are special codes that supervisors may enter into Agent Panel to monitor agents handling calls on third-party phones.
    WebRTC EnabledDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to handle calls. Users without this permission granted only have access using a Hardware Phone.
    Dashboard Number MaskingEnabledYesThe user may not view a contact's phone number. If this privilege is disabled, the contact's account ID (for CRM calls) or the Hidden number placeholder is displayed instead.
    Disable recordings downloadEnabledYesThe user may not download call recordings.
    Click-to-call client number maskingEnabledYesFor click-to-call dialed numbers, the user may see a contact's phone number instead of the contact's account ID or the Hidden number placeholder in Agent Panel.
    Allow click-to-callDisabledYesThe user may initiate calls in a CRM by clicking an icon or link instead of manually dialing the number.
    Allow CDR downloadDisabledYesThe user may download selected CDRs as a CSV file.
    Allow HLR LookupEnabledYesThe user may initiate a Home Location Register (HLR) Lookup request, real-time phone number validation, from the call history in the Agent Panel.
    CDR enabledDisabledNoThe user may view call detail records.
    Historic reports enabledDisabledNoThe user may access and create reports about contact center performance.
    Enable access to support chatDisabledYesUser may access the Voiso premium support chat to get faster turnaround on Voiso support requests.


    The Supervisor role is designed for users responsible for managing agents within their assigned teams. By default, supervisors have access to specialized contact center features, including the Real-time dashboard for monitoring performance, including the Agent Zoom, the ability to manage assigned queues and interaction flows configured by an administrator, access to agent profiles within their teams, and the capability to create and send broadcast messages to their team members.

    Feature permissionDefault settingEditableDescription
    Allow manual outbound callsDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to make manually dialed outgoing calls to contacts. It is not necessary to grant this permission for outbound dialer only agents.
    Allow external transfersDisabledYesThe user may transfer calls to phone numbers outside the contact center, including to subject matter experts or higher tier support personnel.
    Allow Feature Access CodeDisabledYesFeature Access Codes are special codes that supervisors may enter into Agent Panel to monitor agents handling calls on third-party phones.
    WebRTC EnabledDisabledYesThe user may use Agent Panel to handle calls. Users without this permission granted only have access using a Hardware Phone.
    Dashboard Number MaskingEnabledYesThe user may not view a contact's phone number. If this privilege is disabled, the contact's account ID (for CRM calls) or the Hidden number placeholder is displayed instead.
    Disable recordings downloadEnabledYesThe user may not download call recordings.
    Click-to-call client number maskingEnabledYesFor click-to-call dialed numbers, the user may see a contact's phone number instead of the contact's account ID or the Hidden number placeholder in Agent Panel.
    Allow click-to-callDisabledYesThe user may initiate calls in a CRM by clicking an icon or link instead of manually dialing the number.
    Allow CDR downloadDisabledYesThe user may download selected CDRs as a CSV file.
    Allow HLR LookupEnabledYesThe user may initiate a Home Location Register (HLR) Lookup request, real-time phone number validation, from the call history in the Agent Panel.
    CDR enabledEnabledYesThe user may view call detail records.
    Historic reports enabledEnabledYesThe user may access and create reports about contact center performance.
    Enable access to support chatDisabledYesUser may access the Voiso premium support chat to get faster turnaround on Voiso support requests.

    Adding and modifying bulk users

    For detailed instructions on importing and modifying bulk user accounts, refer to the main Users article.

    Startup plan accounts use a different bulk user template compared to contact centers on other Voiso plans with System Access Groups enabled. The table below outlines the fields included in the Startup bulk user template.

    To download the template, navigate to Users > Users and click Download CSV template. Add new users to the CSV file or update details for existing users. When you upload the file, new users will be created, and any changes made to existing users will be applied to their accounts.

    FieldExample ValueRequiredNotes
    NameJohn SmithYes
    Email0_example@voiso.comYesThe email used to sign in to Voiso
    Sip account0_example@voiso.comNoThis is generated automatically for users who are not assigned to the Hardware Phone role.
    RoleagentYesagent, admin, supervisor, analyst, or hardware phone
    CallerID000NoIf empty, the default CallerID is used.
    TimezoneJerusalemYesDefault is UTC
    QueuesFirst queue;Second queueNoThe name of one or more existing queues in your contact center.
    SkillsSpeaking: 1;Learning: 1No
    Teams SupervisorTeam 0; Team 1NoThe name of one or more existing teams in your contact center.
    Teams AgentTeam 2; Team 3NoThe name of one or more existing teams in your contact center.
    WebRTC RingtoneTest RingtoneNoThe name of an existing ringtone media file in your contact center.
    Allow Manual Outbound CallsyYes
    Allow Feature Access CodenYes
    WebRTC EnabledyYes
    Dashboard Number MaskingyYes
    Disable recordings downloadyYes
    Click-to-call Client Number MaskingyYes
    Allow click-to-callyYes
    Allow CDR DownloadsyYes
    Allow HLR Lookup requestsnYes
    Allow external transfersnYes
    CDR enablednYes
    Historic report enablednYes
    Enable access to support chatn

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