Business hour rules
    • 02 Feb 2024
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    Business hour rules

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    How to manage inbound interactions during business hours, outside business hours, and on holidays.

    User story

    As an administrator, I want to create a single call flow that routes interactions according to my business hours, outside business hours, and holiday schedules.


    The Voiso Flows feature enables you to create both simple and complex inbound interaction routing flows to suit your business needs.

    Flows are associated with a channel, such as a phone number, that your contacts use to connect with your contact center.

    To view and manage your interaction flows, in the Voiso navigation bar, select Inbound > Flows. The Flows page contains a searchable table of the flows that you have created. It displays the name of the flow and associated channels.

    • To create a new flow, click Add flow.
    • To update an existing flow, click its name in the Flows table.

    The following screenshot and table describe the main features of the Edit flow page.


    General settingsSpecify the name of your flow, its type, and the channels (phone numbers) the flow handles.
    Flow builderAfter you set up and save the flow, open the Flow builder to design the interaction flow.
    Business hoursThe days and times that the flow is active.
    Day off menuInteractions that arrive on the channel (phone number) outside of the specified hours are handled by the flow selected in the Day off menu.
    SupervisorsSupervisors assigned to the flow can access interactions that pass through the flow by using the CDR page.

    There is no limit to the number of flows that can be chained together using the Day off menu in each flow.


    You do not need to configure a phone number for each flow specified in the Day off menu. These flows automatically use the same phone number as the entry point flow.

    When an interaction is received by the first flow (entry point), the day and time are checked against the specified business hours. If there is no match, the interaction is passed to the flow specified in the Day off menu section.

    If there is no match again, the interaction is passed to the flow specified in the Day off menu section of the second flow, and so on.

    You can have different flows for every day of the week and multiple times of day for each day.

    Using the Conditions node in a flow allows even greater flexibility, enabling you to specify actions based on specific calendar days, such as local holidays. Refer to Add conditions to cover holiday closure.

    Use Case: Creating a flow based on business hours rules

    The Voiso Flow and Flow Builder features enable you to build a single flow that handles regular business hours, off hours, and holidays with just two flows.


    Prep your contact center resources

    First, create an inbound queue and assign agents to the queue. Next, obtain an inbound phone number for your contact center.


    For more details, refer to the How to start receiving calls with Voiso article.

    IVRs rely on recorded messages (media files) to explain the keypress selections available to callers.

    Create a recorded message as a media file (for example, an MP3). The message can be quite simple. For example, the message could be:

    Welcome to Our Organization. Press 1 to be connected to an agent, press 2 to leave a voicemail, or press any other number to hear this message again.

    Upload your audio message to your contact center media collection (navigate to Administration > Media in the main navigation bar).

    To add a new audio file, follow these steps:

    1. Click Add media.
    2. In the Add media panel, specify a name for the media file to be displayed on the Media table and in other menus where you select media files.
    3. Specify the media type from the Type menu.
    4. In the Media area, either drag an audio file from your desktop or click browse to browse your computer for an audio file.
    5. Click Save.

    Media Add Media

    Create a flow for your off hours

    The first step is to create a flow for the regular hours and days (evenings and weekends) that are not your primary business days, such as this example:


    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, select Inbound > Flows, then click Add flow.
    2. In the General section of the Add flow page, give your flow a name (1), and select Voice as the type of flow (2). It is not necessary to specify a phone number from the Channels menu because this will be inherited from your regular business hour flow.
    3. In the Business hours section, select the days of the week that correspond to your non-business days, such as Friday night through early Monday morning (4).
    4. Specify your non-business hours for each non-business day. For example:
      1. Monday (4) – 00:00 - 08:00 (midnight to 8 a.m.).
      2. Friday (5) – 16:30 - 24:00 (4:30 p.m. to midnight).
      3. Saturday (6) and Sunday (7) – 00:00 to 24:00 (midnight to midnight).
    5. Save the flow.

    Create a flow for your main business hours

    The second step is to create a flow for your main business hours, such as this example:


    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, select Inbound > Flows, then click Add flow.
    2. In the General section of the Add flow page, give your flow a name (1), select Voice as the type of flow (2), and then select an phone number from the Channels menu.
    3. In the Business hours section, select the days of the week that correspond to your business week, such as Monday through Friday (4). Do not select your non-business days (5) – for example, Saturday and Sunday. Specify your regular business hours for each business day (4) – for example, 08:00 - 18:00.
    4. In the Day off menu section, select the off-business hours flow that you previously created (6).
    5. Save the flow.

    Add conditions to cover holiday closure

    Now that your main business hours flow is saved, you can use Flow builder to create alternative flows for special days, such as holidays or other exceptions to your normal business hours that occur outside of your usual days off, such as this example:


    1. In the Voiso navigation bar, select Inbound > Flows, then click the name of your regular business hours flow.
    2. In the Flow builder section, click Launch. The Flow builder opens in a new browser tab.
    3. Add a Conditions node (2) and connect the Start node (1) to it.
    4. Click the Conditions node to display the Conditions configuration panel.
      1. Click Any rule (3) so that you can specify multiple days for Condition 1. If any of them are met, the condition is met, and the holiday routing is used.
      2. Create a rule (4) for the first holiday, for example, New Year's Eve. Select start_time as the variable, between as the operator, and the dates and times you want the holiday hours to be active as the value.
      3. Click Add rule to create a rule for the next holiday, for example, a national independence day. Alternatively, you could create one condition for each holiday, each with a different action or recording.

    1. Decide where you want calls routed if the holiday conditions are met. For example, add a Voicemail node (5) that directs all holiday call traffic to Voicemail. Add a link from the condition or conditions to the holiday routing.
    2. Create the rest of your regular business hours call routing, for example, by adding a DTMF node as an IVR. Add a link from the Conditions node to the DTMF node.
    3. When you complete your business hours call routing, save the flow.

    For the weekend and off hours flow, use the Flow Builder to create your call flow and repeat the use of the Conditions node to add specific days that are exceptions to the main flow.


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