    • 24 Jul 2024
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    Who should read this article: Administrators

    How to integrate Voiso with the HubSpot CRM.


    Voiso integrates with the HubSpot CRM through an app that you connect with when you authenticate and enable HubSpot in your contact center. Contact your Voiso account manager to add the HubSpot integration to your contact center. The Voiso HubSpot integration provides calling list import for outbound Dialer campaigns and click-to-call, call history, and screen-pop functionality for your agents while using HubSpot. Agents can make calls using the Agent Panel by clicking the phone icon or a phone number in HubSpot.


    The Voiso Integration app for HubSpot enables the following CRM features:

    Calling List ImportVoiso pulls selected contact phone numbers directly from the HubSpot contact list for Dialer campaigns
    Screen PopThe contact record is automatically displayed in HubSpot when an agent handles a call in Voiso
    Click-to-callAgents initiate calls in HubSpot by clicking the **Make a phone call** icon instead of manually dialing the number
    Call HistoryCall outcome logging and call details are automatically transmitted to the HubSpot database after a call and are available from the **Calls** table

    Calling list import

    This feature allows you to import Calling lists from HubSpot to Voiso. First create a Campaign in HubSpot, add Leads or Contacts, then use the Campaign as a data source in the Voiso Dialer campaign builder. Both static and active contact lists are supported. The Voiso live campaign feature uses the HubSpot active contact lists.

    CRM HubSpot Dialer Campaign Live Calling List

    Screen pop

    When a call is answered by an agent, Voiso displays the HubSpot contact page with relevant information, including interaction history and contact details. Agents can personalize each interaction, improving the customer experience (CX).

    CRM HubSpot Screen Pop Masked


    Agents can dial contact numbers directly from the HubSpot application by clicking the Make a phone call icon in the Contacts page. This feature enables agents to make calls without manually dialing the number or copying and pasting a number into the dial pad, and without leaving the HubSpot application to call from another application.

    See Using Click-to-call.


    To ensure that click-to-call works immediately, Voiso recommends that agents sign in to Voiso before clicking Make a phone call phone icon in HubSpot.

    Call history

    Call history adds information from Voiso about the call to the HubSpot Calls table in the Activities tab of the Contacts, Company, or Deals entities, depending on which entity was used to start the call.

    CRM HubSpot Activity Record Masked

    Call activity for calls made from either the Contacts or Company entities are accessible in the Activities section of the corresponding entity, for example, Contacts > Activities and Company > Activities.

    Call activity for calls made from the Deals entity are accessible from the Deals > Activities.


    The following table describes the HubSpot call activity fields that are updated by Voiso when a Click-to-Call or inbound call is completed:

    HubSpot Calls columnsHubSpot descriptionVoiso information
    ACTIVITY DATEThe time and date the call was startedThe time and date of the call from the CDR
    CREATE DATEThe time and date the call endedThe time and date of the call from the CDR
    CALL NOTESThe description of the callAfter Call Work result (Wrap-up code), call summaries, and notes entered in Agent Panel during the call.
    ASSOCIATED CONTACTSThe ID of the HubSpot record associated with the call: the recipient of the OUTBOUND callObtain the ID from HubSpot and assign it to the call
    ASSOCIATED COMPANIESThe ID of the object type (contact or company) to which the HubSpot call record is associated: the object type of the recipient of the OUTBOUND callObtain the ID from HubSpot and assign it to the call
    CALL DIRECTIONThe direction of the call relative to the HubSpot userCall type from the CDR
    CALL DURATIONThe duration of the callCall duration from the CDR
    CALL TITLEThe title of the callThe "Discover call" title

    Calls manually dialed in the Agent Panel do not generate call data in the HubSpot Calls table – agents must use click-to-call to integrate the Voiso CDR data with the HubSpot Calls table.


    Contact your Voiso account manager to activate the HubSpot CRM integration for your Voiso account.

    Enabling HubSpot

    Follow these steps to enable and authenticate your contact center integration with HubSpot.


    A Voiso user with an Admin account is required to make the following settings.

    1. Log into Voiso using your administrator account.
    2. Log into HubSpot using your administrator account.
    3. In the HubSpot App Marketplace search for the Voiso Contact Center app.
    4. Click the app tile to open the Voiso Contact Center app page.
    5. Click Install app.
    6. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Administration > CRM Integration Settings.
    7. In the HubSpot CRM Settings section, select Finish authentication.

    You might have to specify your credentials to proceed with the procedure; otherwise, confirm the existing session with your HubSpot account to finish the authorization.

    1. When the Connecting Voiso to HubSpot page is displayed in the HubSpot application, select the Voiso application (1), then click Choose Account.
    2. HubSpot displays the list of account information that the Voiso app needs to complete the integration. Review the list, then click Connect app. You might also have to click the checkmark to confirm the connection.
    3. You are returned to the CRM Integration Settings page. The integration is now authenticated and enabled. The Voiso Agent Panel may be launched inside the HubSpot application by a logged-in agent.
    4. If Speech Analytics is enabled in your contact center, the Include call summary option is displayed. Select this option to include the interaction summary in the Call History.

    Using Click-to-call

    To use Click-to-call, an agent must first sign into Voiso and launch the Agent Panel softphone. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to Voiso.
    2. Click the Agent Panel icon to launch the Voiso softphone. In HubSpot, you can click-to-call from any of the following entities:
      1. Contacts
      2. Company
      3. Deals
    3. Navigate to one of the supported entities and select a contact.
    4. In the Contact details panel, click the Make a phone call icon to start the call in Agent Panel.
      CRM Hubspot Click To Call Button
    5. The call is automatically dialed by the Agent Panel. The agent handles the call using the Agent Panel call controls.
    6. When the call ends, Voiso adds the call history to the HubSpot Calls table.

    Contact list import

    You can integrate HubSpot contact list into your Voiso Dialer Campaigns.


    Add a HubSpot static contact list to your Voiso campaign

    A static contact list is created based on the criteria and filters you set. The list contains all the contacts that meet those criteria at the time you created the list. Unlike active lists, static lists are not updated automatically as contacts meet or no longer meet the criteria.

    1. In HubSpot, create a contact list of type Static.
    2. Login to Voiso with the same email address as you used to create the list in HubSpot.
    3. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Outbound > Dialer campaigns.
    4. In the Campaigns page, click Add new campaign and set up the campaign.
    5. In the Calling list section, select HubSpot CRM from the Method list.
    6. From the HubSpot Contact List menu, select the name of the list you want to use. Voiso will use the contacts from this list in the calling campaign.
    7. Click Save. Voiso loads the campaign calling list. Note, it might take several minutes for the calling list to load before you can start the campaign.

    Add a HubSpot active contact list to your Voiso live campaign

    An active contact list includes contacts that meet the specific criteria you set, and whose details are actively tracked by HubSpot. An active contact list is based on a variety of criteria, such as contact properties.

    1. In HubSpot, create a contact list of type Active. An active list is continuously updated according to the filters you specify when you create it.
    2. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Outbound > Dialer campaigns.
    3. In the Campaigns page, click Add new campaign and set up the campaign.
    4. In the Calling list section, select HubSpot CRM from the Method list.
      CRM HubSpot Dialer Campaign Live Calling List
    5. From the HubSpot Contact List menu, select the name of the list you want to use. Voiso will use the contacts from this list in the calling campaign.
    6. Select Live campaign to read continuously from the active contact list.
    7. Set the Poll interval to tell the Dialer how frequently to check for new contacts in the HubSpot list.
    8. Click Save. Voiso loads the campaign calling list. Note, it might take several minutes for the calling list to load before you can start the campaign.

    HubSpot automation workflows

    HubSpot CRM provides task automation using the Workflow module. The HubSpot Workflow module enables you to trigger actions based on specified criteria such as call events.

    The Voiso HubSpot connected app includes the Send SMS action that you can trigger based on a call event such as Contact enrollment, Call started, Call ended and so on.

    Refer to Create workflows in the HubSpot knowledge base for detailed information about creating a new workflow. If you are already familiar with workflows, follow these steps below to automate sending an SMS based on the Call ended event trigger:

    1. Navigate to Automation > Workflows.
    2. Click Create workflow and select From scratch.
    3. On the How do you want this workflow to start? page, select Blank workflow. Click Next.
    4. On the Actions tab, click Set up trigger in the Contact enrollment trigger panel.
    5. Click When an event occurs on the Enrollment triggers menu.
    6. Click Call ended on the Add trigger menu then click Done and Save.
    7. The Contact enrollment trigger panel should look something like this:Hubspot%20Contact%20Enrollment%20trigger%20Call%20Ended
    8. Click + to add a new action based on the trigger.
    9. On the Choose an action menu, scroll down to Connected apps, then click the Voiso app. Click > to display the app options.
    10. Click Send SMS.
    11. Configure the message template in the Send SMS panel:Hubspot%20Send%20SMS%20Panel%20Blank
      1. Enter the message body in the SMS text field. Click the Contact token menu to insert placeholders, such as the name of the contact, into the message.Hubspot%20Send%20SMS%20Panel%20Insert%20Token
      2. Select the recipient's phone type from the Recipient menu.
      3. Select the sender ID of your contact center from the Voiso Sender ID menu.Hubspot%20Send%20SMS%20Panel%20Complete
      4. Click Save.
    12. Name your flow by clicking the Edit icon on the workflow title bar.
    13. Click Review and publish to verify the steps.Hubspot%20Completed%20Action%20Tab
    14. Finally, click Turn on to make your workflow active. You can access, review, and edit your workflows at any time from the Workflows page.


    Click-to-call does not open the Agent Panel

    When my agents click the call button, the Voiso Agent Panel does not open.

    Solution 1

    Ensure that the agent's profile is enabled for Click-to-call. In the agent's User page, select Allow click-to-call. If Security Access Groups are enabled for your contact center, ensure that Allow click-to-call is enabled for the agent's role.

    Solution 2

    Ensure that the agent's profile has an extension specified. In the agent's User page, specify a 4-digit extension in the Extension field.

    Solution 3

    HubSpot requires the latest version of Google Chrome to operate correctly. Voiso also recommends using the latest version of Google Chrome for optimal performance.

    Click-to-call error messages

    The following error message might be displayed to the agent when they attempt to use Click-to-call in HubSpot but they are not signed in to their Voiso account.

    Error message 1

    To place a call, first log in to your Voiso contact center account to launch Agent Panel, then retry this activity.


    1. Open the Voiso contact center in the latest Chrome browser.
    2. Sign in to Voiso.
    3. Launch Agent Panel.
    4. Repeat the click-to-call action.

    Error message 2

    Agent logged off. Please reload Agent Panel.


    1. Navigate to Voiso contact center in the latest Chrome browser.
    2. Click the Agent Panel icon in the top navigation bar.
    3. Repeat the click-to-call action.

    Error message 3

    No connection.


    There is a system problem. If the issue persists, agents should contact their supervisor or administrator.

    My contact center moved to a new cluster and now HubSpot integration does not work

    Your contact center was moved from one Voiso to another and now the HubSpot integration is not available.


    To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

    • Go to Administration > System Settings.
    • Scroll down to HubSpot CRM Settings.
    • Click Update connection.

    Screen pop is not working

    My agents receive an inbound call in Voiso, but there is no screen pop in HubSpot.


    Contact matching between Voiso and HubSpot is done using the ANI (calling number). Ensure that the contact's phone number in HubSpot matches the ANI.

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