    • 17 Mar 2025
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    Who should read this article: Administrators

    How to integrate Voiso with the Zoho CRM and Zoho Desk.


    Voiso integrates with the Zoho CRM and Zoho Desk through an extension available from the Zoho Marketplace:

    Zoho CRM


    The Voiso Integration app for Zoho enables the following CRM features:

    Click-to-callAgents initiate calls in Zoho by clicking a dialable number instead of manually dialing the number
    Calling List ImportVoiso pulls selected contact phone numbers direcly from the Zoho database for Dialer campaigns
    Screen PopThe contact record is automatically displayed in Zoho when an agent handles a call in Voiso
    Call HistoryCall outcome logging and call details are automatically transmitted to the Zoho database after a call


    Agents can dial contact numbers directly from the Zoho application by clicking any dialable number. This feature enables agents to make calls without manually dialing the number or copying and pasting a number into the dialpad, and without leaving the Zoho application to call from another application.

    Calling list import

    This feature allows you to import outbound campaign Calling lists from Zoho to Voiso. First create a Campaign in Zoho, add Leads, Contacts, Deals and custom entities, then use the Campaign as a data source in the Voiso Dialer campaign builder.

    Screen pop

    When a call is routed to an agent, Voiso displays the relevant Zoho objects, such as cases and contact records, in Zoho.

    Call history

    Call history, also called Call outcome logging, adds information from Voiso about the call to the activity task about the call in Zoho. The following Voiso call details can be included in the call activity task:

    • From number (ANI)
    • To number (DNIS)
    • Call type
    • Disposition code
    • Queue
    • Flow
    • Start time
    • End time
    • Call duration
    • End reason
    • Call recording link


    To integrate Voiso with Zoho, navigate to Administration > Integrations, then click the Zoho tile.

    Integrations View None Connected

    The Zoho page provides information about the Zoho integration, instructions for connecting the integration, and a list of prerequisites you should have in place before clicking Connect.

    Integrations Zoho Integration Page

    The following video walks you through the integration process.

    Managing your integration

    To manage an existing Zoho integration, navigate to Administration > Integrations, then click the Zoho tile.

    On the Zoho integration page, you can reconnect an integration that has lost connection or disconnect a connected integration.

    Click the Edit connection button and selected either Reconnect or Disconnect.

    Reconnecting an integration

    To reconnect an integration that has been disconnected, either manually or as the result of an error, or to modify the connection, click Edit connection, then select Reconnect.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your integration.

    Disconnecting an integration

    To disconnect an integration, click Edit connection, then select Disconnect.

    In the Disconnect integration panel, click Disconnect to remove the integration from your contact center.


    The Zoho page Settings tab enables you to view your account ID and configure settings for dialer campaign calling list building.

    Integrations Zoho Page Settings Tab


    The General section displays the Zoho account ID currently linked to the integration.

    Dialer Campaign Calling List

    The Dialer Campaign Calling List section allows you to define the attributes retrieved from Zoho to create calling lists for your outbound Dialer campaigns.

    To begin, select the type of phone number to use from the Leads module for the Dialer campaign. You can choose either the contact's Phone number or Mobile number.

    Additionally, you can include a lead attribute to sync with your campaigns by selecting a module from the Zoho Custom Module. If you choose to use a custom module, select a contact field from the module using the Custom Module Contact Field menu.

    Integrations Zoho Page Settings Tab Dialer Settings Section

    Dialer campaigns with Zoho

    You can integrate Zoho CRM Leads, Contacts, Deals, and custom entities into your Voiso Dialer Campaigns.


    • A Voiso user with admin privileges who is enabled to create Dialer campaigns.
    • A Zoho account that uses the same email address as the Voiso admin.
    • An Active campaign in Zoho with a list of Leads, Contacts, Deals, and custom entities to be called.

    Add Zoho contacts to your Voiso campaign

    Before proceeding, ensure that you have set up the Dialer integration in the Zoho CRM integration.

    1. Login to Voiso with the same email address as you used to create the campaign in Zoho.
    2. In the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Outbound > Dialer campaigns.
    3. In the Campaigns view, click Add new campaign and set up the campaign.
    4. In the Calling list section, select ZohoCRM from the Method list.
    5. From the ZohoCRM Campaign list, select the name of the campaign you want to use. Voiso will use the contacts list you created in Zoho.
    6. Click Save. Voiso loads the campaign calling list. Note, it might take several minutes for the calling list to load before you can start the campaign.

    Call outcome logging

    While your campaign is running, when a call is completed, the following information is logged to Zoho, on the Activities tab:

    • Lead who was called
    • Date and timestamp
    • Call duration
    • Call type (Outbound)
    • Call disposition
    • Name of the agent who handled the call for calls with the answered disposition

    Zoho Desk

    Zoho Desk, is like freshdesk and we purchased separately by customer like zoho crm


    The Voiso Integration app for Zoho Desk enables the following features:

    Click-to-callAgents initiate calls in Zoho Desk by clicking a dialable number instead of manually dialing the number.
    Screen PopThe contact record is automatically displayed in Zoho Desk when an agent handles a call in Voiso.
    Ticket creationWhen an agent completes an inbound, manually dialed outbound, or click-to-call outbound call, Voiso automatically creates a ticket for the call and assigns it to the agent who handled it.


    Agents can dial contact numbers directly from Zoho Desk by clicking any dialable number. This feature enables agents to make calls without manually dialing the number or copying and pasting a number into the dialpad, and without leaving Zoho Desk to call from another application.

    Screen pop

    When a call is routed to an agent, Voiso displays the relevant Zoho objects, such as cases and contact records, in Zoho Desk.

    Ticket creation

    Voiso creates tickets in Zoho Desk and assigns them to the agent who handled the call for the following calling scenarios:

    • An agent completes an inbound call
    • An agent manually dials an outbound call or uses click-to-call
    • An agent misses an inbound call
    • An agent makes an outbound call that is unanswered

    If an agent handles an inbound call for a contact that does not exist in the Zoho contact database, Voiso automatically creates a contact.

    The following ticket record fields are updated by Voiso when a ticket is created:

    • subject
      • Inbound call: Inbound call to {contact.lastName}
      • Outbound call/Click-to-call: Outbound call to {contact.lastName} description
      • Start time: {start_time}
      • Duration: {duration}
      • Disposition: {disposition}
      • CDR link: {cdr_url} (a link to the Extended Call Details page in Voiso)
      • Call note: {call_note}
    • phone
      • DNIS for outbound calls
      • ANI for inbound calls
    • contactId
    • departmentId
    • assigneeId (ID of the agent)

    Install Voiso in Zoho Desk

    Install the Voiso application from the Zoho Marketplace.


    Ensure that you have phone or telephony setup in Zoho Desk.

    Use Case: Making an outbound call from Zoho Desk

    With the Voiso app integrated into Zoho Desk, it is easy to call your contacts with a single click.

    In Zoho Desk, navigate to a contact page and click the phone icon in the Contact Properties panel. Voiso screen pops the call in Zoho Desk and dials the call in the Voiso Agent Panel where you can handle the call.

    When the call ends, add your call notes and Wrap-up code in Agent Panel and add any additional notes or dispositions in the Call Disposition screen pop in Zoho Desk. Click Done on the Call Disposition screen pop.

    Voiso creates a ticket automatically for each inbound call. The ticket includes information about the call and a link to the call recording in the Voiso Extended Call Details page.


    Users must have the Allow recordings download permission set on their user page or security access group to access the Extended Call Details page.

    Use Case: Receiving an inbound call in Zoho Desk

    With the Voiso app integrated into Zoho Desk, inbound calls screen pop in Zoho Desk.

    When an inbound call is routed to you, Voiso screen pops the call in Zoho Desk and rings the call in the Voiso Agent Panel where you can handle the call.

    A ticket is automatically generated in Zoho Desk.

    When the call ends, add your call notes and Wrap-up code in Agent Panel and add any additional notes or dispositions in the Call Disposition screen pop in Zoho Desk. Click Done on the Call Disposition screen pop.

    In Zoho Desk, click the ticket to access details about the call. The ticket includes information about the call and a link to the call recording in the Voiso Extended Call Details page.


    Users must have the Allow recordings download permission set on their user page or security access group to access the Extended Call Details page.

    Use Case: Missed call

    When an agent is ready but does not answer an inbound call, Voiso automatically creates a ticket for the call in Zoho Desk when the caller hangs up.

    Use Case: Unanswered call

    When a contact does not answer an outbound call or no agents are available, Voiso automatically creates a ticket for the call in Zoho Desk when the agent hangs up.

    CRM Zoho Desk Unanswered Call

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