Part 4: The agent experience
    • 08 Jan 2025
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    Part 4: The agent experience

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    Who should read this article: All users

    This is part 4 of the How to run a dialer campaign use case.

    Agents in your campaign

    This article provides an overview of the agent experience in a Voiso outbound Dialer Campaign. Agent Panel provides all the tools that an agent requires to handle campaign calls, select wrap-up codes, and join or leave campaigns.

    How agents are notified about campaigns

    Voiso offers two methods to notify agents about campaigns they can or should join:

    • Broadcast messages: Use Broadcast messages to send targeted notifications to specific teams about upcoming or ongoing campaigns. This ensures that agents are informed and ready to participate.
    • Agent Panel notifications: When a campaign is started, logged-in agents automatically receive notifications in the Agent Panel. These alerts inform them about their assignment to one or more campaigns.
      Dialer Agent Added to Campaign

    Joining a Dialer campaign

    Agents join campaigns directly through Agent Panel. After they sign-in, open Agent Panel, and are ready to start handling campaign calls, they should follow these simple steps:

    1. Click the Dialer campaign icon in Agent Panel to open the Dialer campaign page.
    2. From the Dialer campaign page, select the name of the campaign they want to join.
      Dialer Agent Two Campaigns
    3. Campaign calls are automatically routed to them.
      Dialer Agent Campaign Next Call

    Watch this video to see how Dialer campaigns work:

    Agent Panel call controls

    While handling campaign calls, agents have access to a complete set of call controls through the Call screen in Agent Panel. These controls enable them to efficiently manage calls and provide seamless service.

    Dialer Campaigns Call Screen Labeled

    1Contact informationThe name or ID of the contact and their phone number, along with the elapsed time of the call.
    2Call controlsButtons enabling you to manage the call.
    HoldPlace the call on hold so that you and the contact cannot hear one another. For some features such as Consultation, the call is placed on hold automatically.
    Blind transferImmediately transfer to a number you dial a call without knowing if the call will be answered.
    KeypadEnter numbers using the dial pad to send DTMF. This is commonly used to navigate phone system menus.
    MuteMute your microphone so that the contact cannot hear you.
    ConsultationSpeak to another employee about a contact’s case, without the contact hearing the conversation, and transfer the call when necessary.
    ConferenceInvite another party to join an active call, enabling all parties to hear and speak to one another.
    RecordStart, pause, and stop recording a call (this feature is not available in all contact centers).
    SMSSend an SMS to the contact during the call.
    NotesAdd notes about a call during a call or during after call work. Call notes are saved in the call history.
    3EndButton to hang up the call
    4Volume controlCall volume control for your headset. Click it to mute the caller. Hover your mouse pointer to display the volume control slider.
    5CIDThe Caller ID (CID) that is displayed to the contact on their phone
    6StatusYour current availability status and how long you have been in that status. When you are on an outgoing call, your status is Outbound.
    7Status menuYou cannot change your status while you are handling a call

    At the conclusion of each call, agents select a wrap-up code that reflects the outcome of the interaction. Ensure that the wrap-up codes you configure align with your campaign objectives and provide meaningful insights for reporting.

    Dialer Agent Campaign Wrap-up Codes

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