Part 6: Reviewing campaign results
    • 11 Jun 2024
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    Part 6: Reviewing campaign results

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    This is part 6 of the How to run a Dialer campaign use case.


    Voiso provides multiple ways for you to examine the results of your outbound Dialer Campaign, first there is the campaign report, second is the calling list report for campaigns (when a CSV is used for the calling list), and finally, Voiso provides multiple historical reports and access to Call Detail Records (CDRs) searchable by many different parameters.

    Campaign reports

    When a campaign is stopped or completed, Voiso automatically generates a campaign report. To view a campaign report, select Outbound > Dialer campaigns from the navigation bar to open the Dialer campaigns interface. Find the stopped or completed campaign you want in the Campaigns page.

    Click the campaign name to display the Edit campaign page. Click the Report tab to view a summary that includes the following entries:

    Report entryDescription
    General settingsThe final campaign settings you specified
    Progress and durationThe percentage complete and the start and stop dates and times
    MetricsKey campaign metrics, including: ACD, ASR, Abandonment Ratio, Average Waiting Time, and Average wrap-up time
    Call dispositionA pie-chart of call Disposition codes
    Dial attempts distributionA pie-chart of the number of dial attempts for each call
    Wrap-up codesA bar graph of your wrap-up codes

    Dialer Campaign Report

    Calling list reports

    When a campaign based on a CSV calling list is completed, Voiso automatically generates calling list reports. To view the calling list reports, select Outbound > Dialer campaigns from the navigation bar to open the Dialer camapaigns interface. Find the completed campaign.

    Click the campaign to display the Dialer campaign page. Click the Settings tab, then scroll down to Calling list to access the following reports in CSV format:

    • Original calling list
    • Invalid numbers and duplicates list
    • Call dispositions and wrap-up codes list

    Dialer Calling List Reports

    Click the links to download the reports.

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