Calling Number Monitoring overview
    • 08 Mar 2024
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    Calling Number Monitoring overview

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Watch for issues with your Caller IDs in real-time.

    Calling Number Monitoring

    ASR By Caller ID By CountryShow the percentage of successfully connected calls to the total number of attempted calls by country.


    Calling number monitoring enables you to see whether there are potential issues with your Caller IDs.


    You can display multiple widgets of the same type. Voiso enables you to assign a custom name to each widget.

    Modifying and removing widgets

    In the top right corner of each widget are two buttons that you can use to modify the widget settings on-the-fly (1) or remove the widget from the dashboard (2).

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Settings And Delete Buttons

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