Sensitive Data Access Report
    • 06 Aug 2024
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    Sensitive Data Access Report

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    Report on user access to sensitive data such as call recordings, call transcriptions, call data, and exporting of call records to CSV files.


    For security compliance purposes, you can create reports on which users accessed sensitive contact data and when. Recordings and Call Detail Records (CDRs) might include sensitive data. Voiso enables some users to export CSV files of various types of information, including call records that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which you might be required to protect and restrict access to for compliance purposes in some regions.

    Report options

    There are multiple parameters to be set in the Sensitive Data Access report.

    Reporting Sensitive Data Access Report Page

    First, choose the date or date range for which you want to produce a report, then select one or more of the following options:

    Listened to a recordingCall recordings are stored as part of each call record (CDR). These can be played by anyone with permission to access CDRs.
    Downloaded a recordingCall recordings are stored as part of each call record (CDR). These can be downloaded by anyone with permission to download recordings.
    Viewed an extended CDRThe full CDR can be accessed by anyone with permission to view Call Events.
    Exported a CSV fileAnyone with permission CDR may download search results as a CSV.


    In the Users section, specify which users to report on.

    Reporting Sensitive Data Access Report Users Section

    You can choose from one or more of the following options:

    All usersAll users in your contact center, whether or not they have the correct permissions to access sensitive data.
    All supervisorsAll users assigned the Supervisor role in Security Access Groups.
    All QA SpecialistsAll users assigned the Analyst role in Security Access Groups.
    UsersSelect one or more users in your contact center, whether or not they have the correct permissions to access sensitive data.


    Results are displayed in a table and can be exported as a CSV file for processing outside the Voiso application.

    Reporting Sensitive Data Access Report Results

    The Sensitive Data Access Report table lists the following parameters for each action taken by a user:

    Date/TimeThe date and time that the first access occurred.
    UserThe name of the user who accesses the data.
    ActionThe type of data access: listened to a recording, downloaded a recording, viewed an extended CDR, or exported a CSV file.
    Customer no./filtersThe contact's phone number if a recording was listened to or downloaded, or an extended CDR was viewed; or the filter used if CDRs were exported as a CSV file.

    Scheduled reports

    This report can be scheduled to be delivered to one or more email addresses. For more information about scheduling reports, refer to Historical reports overview.

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