Scheduled callback
    • 22 Feb 2024
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    Scheduled callback

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Agents

    You can schedule a time to call your contact back either during a call or after a call. You can specify which Caller ID Group, time zone, and contact phone number to use for the callback.


    The Voiso Scheduled Callback feature enhances customer service by allowing contacts to request a call at their preferred time. This helps manage your workload by scheduling calls during off-peak periods or when you're available to offer more focused support.

    By rescheduling a call for a later time, you can gather necessary information and review the contact's history without keeping them waiting on the line.

    Scheduling a callback enables you to follow up on your current call after completing promised actions or resolutions.

    Scheduling a callback on a call

    Follow these steps to schedule a callback while you are on a real-time call with a contact:


    1. On the Call screen, click the Callback button (Note: To access the Callback button, you might have to click the More button first).
    2. On the Schedule a callback screen, add the following information:
      1. The contact's phone number in the To field. The current phone number is there by default, but you can change it.
      2. The date and time of the callback. This should be at least 30 minutes in advance and no more than 30 days in the future.
      3. The contact's time zone. Confirm with the contact that the automatically identified time zone is correct.
      4. Choose a Caller ID in the From field and let the contact know what it is so they will know when you are calling. By default, the Caller ID of the initial call is used.
      5. Add notes to the Callback notes field to remind yourself of important points when you handle the callback call.
    3. Click Schedule to schedule the call.

    Scheduling a callback from your history

    To schedule a callback from your call history, follow these steps:

    1. On the Agent Panel, click the Call history button to display the Call History screen.
    2. In the Recents list, find the call from a contact you want to create a callback for.
    3. Click the Callback button, then follow the steps above.

    Handling a callback call

    At the scheduled date and time, if your status is Available, the callback call rings on your Agent Panel.


    Your status changes to Inbound. Voiso waits for you to click Answer then calls the contact. When the contact answers, your status changes to Outbound.


    If your status was not set to Available at the scheduled time of the callback or the contact does not answer the call, Voiso waits a certain amount of time, then dials the call again.

    Depending on how your administrator has set up the scheduled callback feature, this process might repeat several times. The callback might also be rerouted to a queue for an available agent to handle.

    Scheduling callbacks in detail

    The following table describes the Schedule Callback fields in detail:

    ToThe To field is filled automatically with the phone number of the contact; however, you can change this number if your contact requests the callback using a different number. When you enter a number, make sure you include the complete phone number, including country code.
    Date and timeVoiso defaults the date and time to the present day with the time set to 30 minutes in the future. When you click in this field, the Set date and time page displays. Use the Select a date feature to select a new date. Indicate the new date and time for the callback. You may only schedule a callback within the next 30 days. Use the Select a time feature to select a call back time. Callback times are restricted to 08:00 to 22:00, using 30-minute intervals.
    Time zoneVoiso defaults the time zone to match the the contact's phone number. If you change the phone number or if the time zone is not correct, you can choose a different time zone. The Select a time zone page includes a search tool to help you find the correct time zone.
    FromVoiso defaults the Caller ID group to match the Caller ID of the initial call. Your contact center might require you to select a different Caller ID group for scheduled callbacks.
    NotesYou can add up to 64 characters in the note field to include reference information for the callback. The notes are included when the callback interaction is displayed in your Agent Panel.

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