End reasons
    • 27 May 2024
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    End reasons

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Voiso assigns an end reason to every voice interaction to specify why the interaction was ended (terminated). Call Detail Records can be filtered according to their end reason.

    End reasons overview

    End reasons are explanations for why a voice interaction ended. Agents, contacts, managers, Voiso, and external events, such as power outages and service interruptions, can all end voice interactions.

    Reporting CDR Call Detail Record End Reasons

    The Call Details Record feature enables you to filter interactions based on the following end reasons:

    End reason


    Manager terminate

    The call was terminated by a supervisor or contact center administrator.

    Customer disconnect

    The contact hung up.

    Agent disconnect

    The agent hung up. Note: You might encounter the Agent logged off event in the Extended Call Details view for this end reason. Refer to End reasons.

    Remote party disconnect

    A call that was transferred to an external number was ended when the external party hung up.


    It is not known which party ended the call.

    System reject (drop)

    If the Call Suppression (hardcap) feature is enabled and the call was rejected by the system because the number of permitted calls to a single number was reached.

    Machine disconnect

    The call was terminated by the system or by an unknown process.

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