July 15-19, 2024
    • 19 Jul 2024
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    July 15-19, 2024

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    Article summary

    New in this release

    Speech Analytics

    The Topic management feature has been expanded to include a new interface that enables you to manage which topics are used in conversation topic analysis.

    Topics management

    Administrators can now manage the conversation topic identification and labelling feature using the new Topics page. Interactions may be filtered using the Topics menu in the Call Detail Records page.

    Digital Channels (Omnichannel)

    The Webchat channel has been added to the Digital Channels page to enable you to add webchat channels to your contact center.

    Webchat channel management

    The Digital Channels page now supports the Webchat channel.

    Webchat widget

    Webchat channel configuration now enables you to design and preview a chat widget that you can embed into your website. Specify the name and color of the widget, obtain a link to view a preview, then copy JavaScript code from the Add channel or Edit channel pages that you can use to embed a chat widget for the Webchat channel into your website.


    UX and UI improvements

    Spanish language support

    Localization of the Voiso application, Agent Panel, and Omnichannel Workspace user interfaces into Latin American Spanish is close to completion. Only a few elements remain to be translated. User's can switch between English and Spanish using the Account settings panel.

    Other improvements

    Update contacts API

    The IsActive parameter is added to the Update contacts API. This parameter enables you to specify whether the contact is called as part of the current campaign.

    List campaigns API

    Offset pagination is added to the List campaigns API. These parameters enable you to specify a starting offset and a number of results to return when querying your list of campaigns.

    Special Instructions

    The Scheduled Callbacks API documentation is included in the documentation update; however, this API will be available with the next release.

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