March 18-22, 2024
    • 20 Mar 2024
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    March 18-22, 2024

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    Article summary

    New in this release


    Call Notes

    Call notes that agents enter on the Notes page in Agent Panel are now included in the Notes of the HubSpot call history.


    To enable call notes in the Agent Panel, grant the Display Call Notes in WebRTC privilege for the user's security access group.

    Call Summary

    If Speech Analytics is enabled in your contact center, call summaries are now included in the Activity of the HubSpot call history.

    Integration settings

    If Speech Analytics is enabled in your contact center, the Include call summary checkbox is added to the HubSpot CRM Settings section of the System Settings page.

    Voiso Premium Support

    Voiso offers Premium chat support to select users to ensure you get quick, 24/7 response to support requests. In the security access group for a user with the Edit billing privilege granted, grant the Allow editing of support chat users privilege. These users may assign access to Voiso premium support webchat to up to three users by selecting the Enable access to support chat option on the users' profile.


    StartCall (Click-to-call)

    The StartCall API now supports both the agent's extension and login ID (sign-in email address) for the agent parameter. Previously, only the agent's extension was supported.

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