Telegram interactions
    • 21 May 2024
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    Telegram interactions

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Agents

    Use the Telegram channel to exchange messages with Telegram users who have sent messages to your organization.


    Telegram is a popular secure messaging app. Many people use Telegram to contact organizations through the organization's Telegram account.

    If the Telegram channel is assigned to you in the Omnichannel Workspace, you can receive and reply to inbound Telegram interactions from contacts.

    Access your Telegram channel interactions by clicking the Inbox icon (1) in the Omnichannel Workspace.

    Omnichannel Workspace Telegram Channel Overview

    The following table describes the features of the Telegram channel workspace.

    1Inbox iconClick the Inbox icon to view and handle your Telegram interactions. Telegram interactions have the Telegram icon next to the contact ID or number, and your messages in the transcript are light blue.
    2Status menuUse the Status menu to set your availability status.
    3Active interactionsYour active and recently completed Telegram channel interactions. Click an interaction to view the transcript and send messages.
    4Initiated interactionsNot currently supported for Telegram.
    5Agent PanelThe Agent Panel. Click the double arrow to expand it to handle voice calls.
    6Forward buttonClick Forward to redirect the interaction to a different agent or queue.
    7Archive buttonClick to complete an interaction and assign a wrap-up code.
    8Message transcript areaThis area contains a transcript of active and recently completed interactions. Contact messages are on the left and your messages are on the right. System messages and notifications are displayed in the center of the transcript. Time to first response, Time to resolution, and Time to reply Service Level timers are displayed above the transcript.
    9Message composition areaUse the Message composition area/v1/docs/agent-getting-started-omnichannel-workspace#message-composition-area to write and send messages and attach files. You can format text as plain, bold, or italic.

    User-initiated messages

    Telegram users may initiate an interaction with your organization by sending a message to your organization using the Telegram app.

    When a Telegram interaction is directed to you, a notification is displayed on your workspace. Click Accept to add the interaction to your Telegram channel.

    Omnichannel Workspace Telegram Message Composition Area

    You can reply to Telegram messages by writing text (1), selecting a standard response message template (2), and including attachments (3).

    Telegram supports the following attachment file types:

    • Photos (.jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, and .webp)
    • Videos (.mp4, .avi, .mkv, .wmv, and .mov)
    • PDFs
    • Word documents (.docx)
    • Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx)
    • PowerPoint presentations (.pptx)
    • Audio files (.mp3, .aac, .wav, and .ogg)

    Write your message in the message composition area (1) or record a voice message (4), then click Send (5) or press Return to send your message.

    The Telegram app enables contacts to attach certain file types to send to you. You can view attachments send by your contact by clicking the Download icon on the attachment message. Open the file on your desktop.

    To complete a message, click Archive. From the Select a wrap-up code panel, click a wrap-up code, then click Assign.

    Omnichannel Workspace Archiving An Interaction

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