Redial Counter
    • 24 Jan 2024
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    Redial Counter

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Report on the number of call attempts by one or more agents or teams to a destination number during the specified day.


    The Redial Counter report tells you how many times an Agent called a specific number and how many of those calls failed to connect or were answered by Voicemail. This information can alert you to contact numbers that may be problematic. For example, the contact might be blocking the agent's Caller ID. You could change the Caller ID to assess whether the Caller ID is the issue or whether there is a problem with the contact's number.

    Reporting Create Report Redial Counter Page

    Configure the report options, select agents, and then click Run report. When the report is ready, it is displayed in the Redial Counter table at the bottom of the Create report page. The report can be downloaded to a CSV file for further processing outside the Voiso application.
    threshold 5-20

    Report options

    The Redial Counter report has two parameters to be set. First, choose the date for which you want to produce a report.

    Second, specify the Threshold value – the minimum number of redial attempts to include in the report. Values between 5 and 20 are supported.


    The results are displayed in the Redial Counter table.

    Reporting Create Report Redial Counter  Results

    The table includes the following columns:

    AgentThe name of the user who redialed a number more times than the specified threshold value.
    Customer NoThe phone number of the contact that was redialed more times than the specified threshold value.
    AttemptsThe number of redial attempts to the Customer No.
    FailedThe number of redial attempts that have the Failed Disposition code.
    DVMDirect to Voicemail. The number of times a redial attempt was considered to be answered by voicemail (Machine answered disposition).
    DatetimeThe date and time of the start of the last redial attempt.

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