Wrap-up Codes
    • 24 Jan 2024
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    Wrap-up Codes

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    Report on the use of wrap-up codes by teams for a specified time period.


    Wrap-up codes are call outcomes specified by agents as part of their after-call work. This report aggregates Wrap-up codes for specified dates and teams to allow tracking of a ratio of conversation results according to your custom codes.

    Reporting Create Report Wrap-up Codes Page

    Enter the report options parameters and specify the team or teams to report on, then click Run report to view the report.

    Report options

    The Wrap-up Codes report has multiple parameters to be set. First, choose the date or date range for which you want to produce a report.

    You can choose to report on manual outbound and click-to-call calls, inbound calls, or both, depending on whether your teams handle just outbound, just inbound, or both. Dialer campaign call Wrap-up code values are available in the Campaign Report for each campaign.

    Finally, select one or more teams to report on.


    Results are displayed as a pie chart and exported as a CSV file for processing outside of Voiso.

    Reporting Wrap-up Codes Results

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