Salesforce detailed setup guide
    • 13 Sep 2024
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    Salesforce detailed setup guide

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    This guide is for Salesforce administrators who require a full set of steps to configure objects in Salesforce related to integrating with third-party applications.


    Integrating Voiso and Salesforce is a straightforward process. First, install the Voiso Softphone Package from the Salesforce AppExchange, then configure an integration user, create and assign a permission set to the integration user, connect Voiso to your Salesforce org, configure and embed the Voiso softphone (Agent Panel) inside Salesforce, set up a call center in Salesforce, add the Voiso phone component to the Salesforce Utility Bar, and finally, configure the Voiso call logging and history features.


    Ensure that the following prerequisites are in place before beginning integration with Salesforce:

    1. The Salesforce CRM integration is activated for your contact center.
    2. Your agents and other users use Salesforce Lightning Experience.
    3. For users who create Dialer campaigns and import calling lists from Salesforce, ensure their account email addresses are the same in both Voiso and Salesforce.
    4. The edition of Salesforce organization you are using has API access available and active.
    5. Your administrator's Salesforce user account must have REST API Enabled permissions and Administrator privileges set.

    CRM Integration Settings in Voiso

    To prepare for integration between Voiso and Salesforce, first ensure that your Voiso account is enabled for Salesforce integration. From the Voiso navigation bar, select Administration > CRM Integration Settings, then scroll down to the Salesforce CRM settings section.

    CRM Salesforce CRM Integration Settings

    If the Salesforce CRM Settings section is not displayed, contact your Voiso account manager; otherwise, follow the numbered steps:

    CRM Saleforce CRM Integration Settings Salesforce Steps

    Step 1: Install the Voiso Softphone Package from AppExchange

    Click the link in step 1 of the Salesforce CRM settings section to open the Voiso Softphone Package page on the Salesforce AppExchange.

    1. Log in to Salesforce if you are not already logged in, then click Get It Now to launch the app installation process.
      CRM Salesforce Integration AppExchange
    2. Select the Salesforce account associated with your contact center. The application displays a list of Trailblazer accounts that have the Manage Billing permission set.
    3. Choose one of these options:
      1. Install in a Production Environment: Install the integration app in your Voiso contact center where agents can access the Salesforce integration features to handle interactions.
      2. Install in a Sandbox: Install the integration app in a test environment in Salesforce before exposing the Salesforce integration to your agents in a production environment.
    4. For installation in a production environment, select the connected Salesforce Account from the drop-down menu.
      CRM Salesforce Connect 2 Select Environment
    5. Review and confirm the installation details.
      1. Voiso provides Trusted URL settings as part of the softphone package. Voiso recommends allowing your Salesforce organization to interact with URLs in Voiso during the package installation. These settings can be reconfigured later to be more restrictive if needed.
      2. Read and agree to the terms and conditions from Salesforce.
      3. Click Confirm and Install.
        CRM Salesforce Connect 3 Confirm And Install
    6. Choose to install the Voiso application for Admins only, all users, or specific profiles, then click Install.
      CRM Salesforce Connect 4 Choose Profiles
    7. When the Installation Complete! page is displayed, click Done.
      CRM Salesforce Connect 5 Click Done
    8. You can manage the Voiso application in the Installed Packages page.
      CRM Salesforce Connect 6 Installed Packages

    Step 2: Configure an Integration User

    Grant the required permissions to the integration user by creating your own permission set, as recommended by Salesforce, or by modifying an existing user profile. Refer to Step 2.1) for details.

    Follow these steps in Salesforce org to create a Platform Integration User:

    Step 2.1: Create a Permission Set

    Perform the following steps:

    1. From Setup, use the Quick Find box to search for Permission Sets, then select Permission Sets and click
    2. Click New.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Sets New Button
    3. Enter a label, such as Voiso Integration User (System & User Permissions) and enter an API name, such as VoisoIntegrationUser.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Create Page
    4. Click Save. The system automatically redirects you to the created Permission Set overview page.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Set Overview Page
    5. Click System Permissions in the System section.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Create Page System Section
    6. Click Edit at the top of the page.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Create Page System Edit Button
    7. Select the following options:
      1. Apex REST Services (Voiso uses the Apex REST Endpoints for both the Call Logging feature and authentication).
        CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Create Page Apex REST Services
      2. Customize Application (Voiso uses Custom Settings to cache static Voiso call center settings in your org).
        CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Create Page Customize Application
    8. Save your Permission Set.
      CRM Salesforce Permission Sets Save Set Page

    Further reading

    For information about Salesforce Permission Sets, check out these articles:

    Note: These links direct you to Salesforce documentation. Voiso does not control this content and cannot ensure the links will always point to the latest version.

    Step 2.2: Assign the permission sets to the Integration User

    Voiso provides a Voiso Integration User Permission Set that grants access to the Call History feature. In this step, assign both the provided Voiso permission set and the one you created in Step 2.1 to the Integration User.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. From Setup, use the Quick Find box to search for Users, then select Users.
    2. In the list of users, locate your integration user, then click their name to access the User Record Details page.
      CRM Salesforce Integration User Permissions All Users Page
    3. Scroll down to the Permission Set Assignments section, and click Edit Assignments.
      CRM Salesforce Integration User Permissions Permission Set Assignments
    4. In the Permission Set Assignment form, from the Available Permission Sets list, select the following Permission Sets:
      1. Voiso Integration User
      2. The custom permission set you created in Step 2.1 (for example, Voiso Integration User (System & User Permissions).
    5. Click Add. Verify both selected Permission Sets are in the Enabled Permission Sets column, then click Save.
      CRM Salesforce Integration User Enabled Permissions Permission Sets
    6. Verify that both permissions are in the Permission Set Assignments section.
      CRM Salesforce Integration User Permissions Permission Set Assignments Verify

    Further reading

    For information about Salesforce Custom Records, check out these articles:

    Note: These links direct you to Salesforce documentation. Voiso does not control this content and cannot ensure the links will always point to the latest version.

    Step 3: Connect Voiso to Salesforce org

    CRM Salesforce Connect Voiso to Salesforce org Masked

    Follow these steps to connect Voiso to Salesforce org:

    1. In the Voiso main menu bar, navigate to Administration > CRM Integration Settings.
    2. Click the appropriate Connect button:
      CRM Saleforce CRM Integration Settings Salesforce Steps Buttons
      1. If you installed the Voiso Softphone package in your contact center production environment, click Connect to Salesforce.
      2. If you installed the Voiso Softphone package in a sandbox, click Connect to Salesforce Sandbox.
    3. Next, follow the Salesforce authentication process.
      1. Login to your Salesforce org.
      2. Allow access to your integration user with the Voiso Integration App permissions.
    4. When the Voiso Allow Access? page displays, review how the Voiso integration app wants to access your contact center to allow full integration between Voiso and Salesforce.
      CRM Salesforce Connect 7 Voiso Allow Access
    5. Click Allow to complete the connection.
    6. In the Salesforce CRM settings section, select the Voiso features you want to use, then click Save.
      CRM Salesforce CRM Settings

    Step 4: Complete configuration

    In this step you configure the embedded softphone component into Salesforce.

    • First, set up a Call Center by importing a Call Center Definition file. The information in the Call Center Definition files supports the integration of Salesforce CRM Call Center with Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) vendors like Voiso.
    • Then, add the Voiso softphone directly into the Salesforce Utility Bar to enable agents to handle interactions without leaving the Salesforce UI.
    • Finally, configure the Voiso contact center features you want to use.

    Step 4.1: Set up a call Center in Salesforce

    Follow these steps to set up a call center in Salesforce Lightning:

    Create a Call Center Definition file
    In a text editor, create a new .xml file, then paste the following contents into the file and save it with an appropriate name:

        <section sortOrder="0" name="reqGeneralInfo" label="General information">
            <item sortOrder="0" name="reqInternalName" label="Internal name">VoisoPhoneCTI</item>
            <item sortOrder="1" name="reqDisplayName" label="Display name">VoisoPhoneCTI</item>
            <item sortOrder="2" name="reqAdapterUrl" label="Container URL"></item>
            <item sortOrder="3" name="reqVoisoClusterUrl" label="Voiso Cluster URL"></item>
            <item sortOrder="4" name="reqUseApi" label="Use Open CTI API">true</item>
            <item sortOrder="5" name="reqSoftphoneHeight" label="Voiso Phone height">472</item>
            <item sortOrder="6" name="reqSoftphoneWidth" label="Voiso Phone width">264</item>
            <item sortOrder="7" name="reqSalesforceCompatibilityMode" label="Compatibility Mode">Lightning</item>

    Import the Call Center Definition file into Salesforce

    1. Navigate to Setup.
    2. Use Quick Find to search for Call Center, then select Feature Settings > Service > Call Center > Call Centers.CRM Salesforce Call Centers Page
    3. Click Import.CRM Salesforce All Call Centers Page
    4. In the Call Center Import panel, click Choose File, then select the Call Center Definition file that you created.CRM Salesforce Call Centers Import Page
    5. Click Import.CRM Salesforce Call Centers Import Page Import File
    6. In the Call Center Detail panel, next to your contact center, click Edit.CRM Salesforce Call CenterDetail Page
    7. Modify the Voiso Cluster URL by replacing with your fully qualified Cluster URL. For example,
    8. Modify the Container URL by replacing with your fully qualified Container URL. For example, commerce2-dev-ed--c.develop.container.force.comCRM Salesforce Setup Call Centers view
    9. Click Save to return to Call Center Detail panel.CRM Salesforce Call Center Detail Panel Updated
    10. To add users, click Manage Call Center Users, then click Add More Users.CRM Salesforce Manage Call Center Users Add More Users
    11. On the Search for New Users view, specify search criteria (optional) then click Find.
    12. From the search results, select the users to be added, then click Add to Call Center.CRM Salesforce Add to Call Center
    13. You can manage users any time by using the Salesforce Manage Users view for your call center.CRM Salesforce Manage Users

    Further reading

    For information about Salesforce Call Centers, check out these articles:

    Note: These links direct you to Salesforce documentation. Voiso does not control this content and cannot ensure the links will always point to the latest version.

    Step 4.2: Add the Voiso Phone component to the Utility Bar in Salesforce

    The Voiso Integration app enables agents to handle interactions without leaving the Salesforce UI. Use the following procedure to add the Voiso softphone directly into the Salesforce Utility Bar:

    1. Navigate to Setup.
    2. Use Quick Find to search for Apps, then select App Manager.CRM Saelsforce Add Voiso Phone App Manager
    3. Choose the Salesforce Lightning app to which you want to add the Voiso softphone. For example, LightningSales.
    4. From the menu, select Edit.CRM Saelsforce Add Voiso Phone Edit Lightning Sales Console
    5. Navigate to the Utility Items (Desktop Only) panel, then click Add Utility Item.CRM Saelsforce Add Voiso Phone Add Utility Item
    6. Use Search to find the Voiso Phone in the Custom - Managed section, then select it.
      CRM Salesforce Add Utility Item Voiso Phone
    7. In the Voiso Phone component, specify the following settings:
      • Label: Voiso Phone (or any other label you choose)
      • Icon: Select a call icon of your choice (any icon is supported)
      • Panel Width: 264 (264 to 360 is supported)
      • Panel Height: 472 (472 to 600 is supported)
      • Enable Start automatically.
        CRM Salesforce Configure Voiso Softphone
    8. Click Save.

    Further reading

    For information about the Utility Bar, check out these articles:

    Note: These links direct you to Salesforce documentation. Voiso does not control this content and cannot ensure the links will always point to the latest version.

    Enable Track Activities

    The Track Activities feature is enabled by default. For Activities to link to records, define which objects handle external contacts and store phone numbers.

    Enable Call History

    Unlike the Track Activities feature, Call History is not associated with records by lookup relationships. Call History can be added to any Record Details page using the App Builder. The component collects and displays call history based on available phone fields, sorted by call start time.

    Follow these steps to enable Call History:

    1. Navigate to the Salesforce application your org users use for work (for example, Sales or Service).
    2. Using the navigation at the top of the page or the Application menu, navigate to the Salesforce Object with the records you want to use for Click-to-Call and Call History.
    3. Navigate to any existing record in the selected object, such as a contact record.
    4. Click the gear icon at the top right corner of the page.
    5. Click Edit Page on the popup box that is displayed to navigate to the Record Details page.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Edit Page Menu
    6. To add the Voiso Call History Related List component to the page, find it in the component list on the left side menu.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Voiso Call History Related List Component
    7. Drag-drop it onto the page canvas. Tip: Voiso recommends experimenting with different locations on the page to find the best location for your environment. Save your change then select Activation.... Assign it as "Org Default" and make it available for "Desktop".CRM Salesforce Drag And Drop Voiso Call History Related List Masked
    8. Navigate to Setup by clicking the gear icon and then selecting Setup.
    9. In the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, then select Permission Sets.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Select Permissions Set
    10. In the Permission Sets list, find Voiso User, then navigate to it by clicking on its label.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Select Select Voiso User
    11. Click Manage Assignments at the top of the page.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Manage Assignments
    12. Click Add Assignment to display a list of users to whom this set of permissions can be assigned.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Add Assignment
    13. Select the users to whom you want to assign the permission set.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Select Users To Assign
    14. Click Next, then click Assign.CRM Salesforce Enable Call History Assign

    Enable screen pop

    To enable screen pop for agents, navigate to Adminstration > CRM Integration, scroll down to Salesforce CRM Settings, select Enable Screen Popup on Call, then click Save.

    CRM Salesforce Connect 8 Enable Screen Pop

    Enable Click-to-call

    Once you complete the following steps in the integration procedure, Click-to-call is enabled automatically after an agent logs in to the softphone:

    The Click-to-Call feature can be used with standard Salesforce objects (Lead, Contact, Account, and others) and custom objects. Ensure that Track Activities is enabled for custom objects in Salesforce to link Task records correctly.

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