September 9 - 13, 2024
    • 13 Sep 2024
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    September 9 - 13, 2024

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    Article summary

    New in this release


    Digital flows

    You can now create Digital channels inbound interaction flows from the Flows page. Previously, Digital channels interaction flows were only available through the Scripts feature.

    Flow builder

    Digital flow canvas

    A new Flow Builder canvas is now available to create omnichannel (Digital channels) interaction flows. The Digital flow canvas has many of the same interaction and data handling nodes as the Voice flow canvas, and also includes the new Message node.

    Use the Flow Builder Digital flow canvas to create a self-service chatbot, leveraging system and custom variables with the HTTP Request, Conditions, Route, and Message nodes.

    Message node

    The Message node is added to the new Flow Builder Digital channels canvas. Use this node to send automated messages to contacts during an inbound Digital channels interaction flow. You can specify that the node must wait for the contact to respond before moving to the next node. You can also set a timer to automatically progress to the next node if the contact does not respond.

    Your message body may include variables so that you can personalize the message.

    You can save the contact's response to a variable. This is useful for capturing information such as phone numbers, account numbers, and so on, then passing it to a Conditions or HTTP request node for further processing.


    UX and UI improvements

    Flow builder

    Flow Builder has been completely redesigned to enhance your experience building inbound voice and Digital channels interaction flows.

    The canvas includes all new icons, tooltips, nodes, and connection flow arrows to make it easier to visualize your flow without opening individual nodes to view their configuration.

    Configuration panels for each node are also improved with more tooltips and intuitive design.


    Due to the extensive changes to the Flow Builder canvases and other elements, it will be a few weeks before all the screenshots and videos in the documentation are up to date with the new design. Thank you for your patience!

    Other improvements

    Dialer campaigns

    The Dialer now supports the uploading of multiple calling list files for file based calling campaigns. Previously, only one calling list file could be uploaded to a Dialer campaign.

    Related articles:

    Zoho Dialer campaign calling lists

    When you create a Dialer campaign integrated with Zoho CRM, you can now include multiple entities as part of a single Zoho campaign. Dialer now supports Zoho campaigns containing Leads, Contacts, Deals and custom entities.

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