Agent metrics
    • 14 Aug 2023
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    Agent metrics

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    Who should read this article: Agents

    Real-time metrics enable agents to gauge their performance against their contact center standards.


    Your administrator sets up your account to display metrics to you in the Agent Panel to make it easy for you to gauge your performance. The Agent metrics screen provides you with a list of contact center metrics that enable you to view how long you have been in different statuses, how efficiently you are handling calls, how many calls you have handled, and more.

    Agent Panel metrics

    The following table includes descriptions of all the metrics that Voiso enables your administrator to display in the Agent metrics screen. The metric names are sorted alphabetically except for the ones related to specific call duration times and status duration – these are included at the end of the table. It is not likely that your supervisor or administrator has set up your account to see all of these metrics, just the ones that are important to your organization's business processes.


    All agent metrics values are reset to zero if an agent is logged out for more than 90 minutes.

    AACWTAverage After Call Work Time: The average time an agent spends in the After Call Work state.
    ACAnswered Calls: The number of inbound calls an agent answered.
    ACDAverage Call Duration: The average time callers spend on the phone with an agent. Includes hold time.
    AHLDTAverage Hold Time: The average time callers spend on hold with an agent.
    AHTAverage Handling Time: The average time an agent spends handling a call. Includes routing, talk, hold, and after call work time.
    ANAAverage Non Answered: The average number of inbound calls routed to an agent that were not answered by the agent
    Ans. Eff.Answered and Effective: The number of outbound calls that were connected and had a duration longer than the Effective Call Duration timer setting.
    Ans. Not DVMAnswered (not Direct to Voicemail): The number of outbound calls that were answered by a person and had a duration longer than the VoiceMail timeout timer setting.
    Ans. Not Eff.Answered and Not Effective: The number of outbound calls that were connected and had a duration longer than the VoiceMail timeout timer setting, but shorter than the Effective Call Duration timer setting.
    Ans. RatioAnswer Ratio: The percentage of outbound calls that connected. It does not include calls that were shorter than the Effective Call Duration timer setting.
    ATTAverage Talk Time: The average time callers spend speaking with an agent. It does not include hold time.
    TTTTotal Talk Time: The total time an agent spends talking on calls. Includes talk and mute time.
    DVMDirect to Voicemail: The number of outbound calls answered by an Answering Machine. The number of outbound calls that connected and had a duration less than the VoiceMail timeout timer setting.
    HCHandled Calls: The number of inbound calls an agent handled. Calls transferred from other agents are included, but calls transferred to other agents are not included.
    Incor. NmbrIncorrect Number: The number of outbound calls that could not be completed due to an incorrect called party number.
    Last LoginThe date and time an agent last logged in.
    New NmbrsNew Destination Number: The number of new destination numbers an agent tried to reach.
    No Ans.No Answer: The number of outbound calls that reached the contact, but were not answered.
    TCTotal Calls: Total number of calls placed or routed to an agent. Includes inbound, manual outbound, and Dialer calls.
    TICTotal Inbound Calls: The number of inbound calls routed to an agent.
    Total Outbound CallsThe total number of outbound calls an agent placed.
    Uniq. NmbrsUnique Numbers: The number of unique destination numbers an agent tried to reach.
    0-1 minThe number of outbound calls with a duration of more than 0 and less than 60 seconds. Dialer calls included.
    1-3 minThe number of outbound calls with a duration of more than 1 and less than 3 minutes. Dialer calls included.
    3-10 minThe number of outbound calls with a duration of more than 3 and less than 10 minutes. Dialer calls included.
    10+ minThe number of outbound calls with a duration of over 10 minutes. Dialer calls included.
    After Call WorkThe duration an agent was in the After Call Work status after login.
    AvailableThe duration an agent was in the Available status after login.
    InboundThe duration an agent was in the Inbound status after login.
    OfflineThe duration an agent was not connected to the network after login.
    OutboundThe duration an agent was in the Outbound status after login.
    UnavailableThe duration an agent was in the Unavailable (with reason) status after login.
    Lunch, Coffee Break, Meeting, etc.The duration an agent was in each custom status after login.

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