    • 05 Feb 2025
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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators

    How to integrate Voiso with the Leverate CRM.


    The Voiso Leverate integration provides click-to-call functionality for your agents while using Leverate. Agents can make calls using the Agent Panel by clicking the phone icon or a phone number in Leverate.


    To integrate Voiso with Leverate, navigate to Administration > Integrations, then click the Leverate tile.

    Integrations View None Connected

    The Leverate page provides information about the Leverate integration, instructions for connecting the integration, and a list of prerequisites you should have in place before clicking Connect.

    Integrations Leverate Integration Page

    Managing your integration

    To manage an existing Leverate integration, navigate to Administration > Integrations, then click the Leverate tile.

    On the Leverate integration page, you can reconnect an integration that has lost connection or disconnect a connected integration.

    Click the Edit connection button and selected either Reconnect or Disconnect.

    Reconnecting an integration

    To reconnect an integration that has been disconnected, either manually or as the result of an error, or to modify the connection, click Edit connection, then select Reconnect.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your integration.

    Disconnecting an integration

    To disconnect an integration, click Edit connection, then select Disconnect.

    In the Disconnect integration panel, click Disconnect to remove the integration from your contact center.

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