Omnichannel Workspace Overview
    • 21 Mar 2025
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    Omnichannel Workspace Overview

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Omnichannel Workspace unifies digital channels and voice capabilities, enabling a seamless handover between channels.

    Channel support by plan

    The following table shows you which digital channels are supported for your plan:



    The Omnichannel Workspace combines digital channels and voice into a single universal workspace. It enables agents to interact with contacts through their preferred channel and to move with the contact between channels, improving CX and customer satisfaction.

    To enable the Omnichannel Workspace for your contact center, refer to Enabling Omnichannel.

    The Omnichannel Workspace supports the following channels:

    Voice Channel IconVoice
    SMS Channel IconSMS
    Webchat Channel IconWebchat
    WhatsApp Channel IconWhatsApp
    Telegram Channel IconTelegram
    Facebook Messenger Channel IconFacebook Messenger
    Instagram Channel IconInstagram

    Omnichannel and multichannel are not the same thing. A multichannel contact center supports many different communication channels, but each channel represents a distinct conversation. An interaction begins and ends on a single channel. An omnichannel contact center lets agents handle multiple channels and interactions simultaneously, letting contacts move seamlessly between channels as a single conversation, significantly increasing contact center efficiency.

    The following is an example of an omnichannel interaction use case: During a phone conversation, an agent sends important numbers or links using SMS, and then attaches important documents, such as contracts and invoices, securely using WhatsApp.

    Many people prefer to have the freedom to use their mobile devices for other tasks, rather than being tied up in a conversation with an agent, or they do not want to talk on the phone where others might hear them. They prefer using webchat to ask questions or get support from your agents.

    People prefer to conduct business using whichever device is most convenient at the time. They might contact you using webchat from their PC in the kitchen while browsing your website during their morning coffee. On their way to work, they might call using their mobile phone while they ride public transit. During the day, they might pick up their tablet to continue the conversation. In the evening, they might close the deal using their mobile phone, exchanging signed documents over WhatsApp.

    Blended agents

    In the past, a blended agent was a contact center agent who was capable of handling both inbound and outbound calls. In the Voiso Omnichannel contact center, blended agents are contact center agents who can handle both digital interactions and voice calls simultaneously.

    In an Omnichannel contact center you can assign agents to handle the channels that best suit their capabilities. For example, one agent may specialize in a single channel such as WhatsApp, another might handle voice calls and SMS, while another might generalize on all text-based channels.

    Having blended agents means you can maximize your contact center efficiency. Utilizing blended agents reduces idle time. When there are no new leads to call, blended agents can handle incoming queries from your webpage or send out an offer over WhatsApp.

    Adding channels

    Use the Digital channels page to add and manage digital channels in your contact center.


    WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging applications. It is part of the Meta business suite. It enables orgnizations to communicate securely with their customers using the WhatsApp Business Platform.

    Voiso's omnichannel channel suite enables your agents to send messages, based on message templates, to your contacts and engage in conversations with WhatsApp users.

    WhatsApp enables businesses to send two basic message types, session messages and template messages.

    Session messages are agent response messages to user-initiated interactions. Agents must respond within 24 hours of receiving an inbound user-initiated WhatsApp message. Response messages do not require pre-approval from WhatsApp.

    Organizations may send pre-approved message templates as the first message in a business-initiated interaction. Examples of template messages include authorization (OTP), transactional, and promotional messages.

    Organizations may send template messages to WhatsApp users who have agreed to opt-in to receiving messages from businesses that they interact with. Organizations cannot send messages to WhatsApp users who have opted out of receiving business messages.

    WhatsApp users who opt-in to receive messages from your business are more likely to view and respond to those messages. You can proactively engage with your contacts to enhance sales by sending targeted messages to specific customer segments, new product promotion, discounts, and other offers.


    Organizations use webchat on their websites to provide real-time vistor support, such as answering questions about products or services, resolving issues or complaints, and helping visitors with the process of making a purchase. Your organization can use webchat to increase sales by providing personalized assistance to visitors during the buying process, including recommending products or services, providing discounts or special offers, and helping visitors complete their purchases.

    Webchat improves contact engagement by offering your contacts an interactive and engaging experience. This helps build brand loyalty and encourage contacts to return to your website.

    Use webchat to generate leads by asking visitors for their contact information or offering a free consultation or demo.

    Webchat is a cost-effective way to provide customer support, as a smaller team of agents can handle it compared to traditional phone support.


    Telegram is a popular cloud-based messenger service with advanced encryption and privacy features, making it one of the best communication channels for users who need to exchange sensitive information.

    You can use Telegram as a contact support channel, where contacts can ask questions and receive assistance from a support team. Telegram users can find your business account by searching for your business name or Telegram username.

    Through the Telegram app, users can start a chat with your Telegram business account by clicking your account profile picture and then clicking Message.


    The Viber channel enables agents to send business-initiated messages to contacts and receive and reply to customer-initiated conversational messages from Viber users.


    Facebook Messenger is a messaging application owned by Facebook (Meta) that enables users to send and receive messages, photos, audio messages, and documents. Users access it through the Facebook website or the Messenger mobile app. Users control their own security and privacy settings, including end-to-end conversation encryption.

    Organizations can use Facebook Messenger to connect with customers and improve customer service. Customers can send questions about your products and services by visting your Facebook business page and clicking the Message button.


    Instagram, owned by Facebook (Meta), is one of the most popular social media platforms. Through its mobile app, it allows users to share photos and videos with friends, family, and other users worldwide. Instagram users can send direct messages to other users and businesses.

    Instagram is a popular platform for businesses to promote their products and services through targeted advertising and influencer marketing. Businesses use Instagram direct messaging to connect with contacts, build relationships, and increase sales.

    Your agents can quickly respond to contact inquiries using Instagram direct messaging and provide support. Agents can engage with customers and build relationships by sending personalized messages, thanking them for their support, and asking for feedback. Your agents can offer exclusive promotions and discounts to customers who message your organization on Instagram, increasing engagement and driving sales.

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