In-queue Abandons - Per Hour
    • 25 Jul 2024
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    In-queue Abandons - Per Hour

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Report on the percentage of calls abandoned by contacts waiting in queue per hour for the specified time period.


    The Inqueue Abandons – Per Hour (In-queue abandons) report totals the number of calls that ended while the call was in a queue because the contact hung up before connecting with an Agent in each hour of the report interval. This important Queue metric helps you determine where problems might be occurring in your contact center. A queue with many abandoned calls might indicate that there are not enough agents servicing the queue or the agents assigned to the queue are taking too long handling interactions.

    Reporting Create Report In-queue Abandons Per Hour

    Enter the report options parameters and specify the queue or queues to report on, then click Run report to view the report.

    Report options

    The Inqueue Abandons – Per Hour report has multiple parameters to be set. First, choose the date or date range for which you want to produce a report.

    Next, specify the start time and end time of the report using the From and To parameters. The From time must be earlier than the To time.

    Select the queue to monitor from the list of queues.

    Use the Wait time threshold field to include only calls that were terminated after the specified number of seconds.

    You can choose to run the In-queue Abandons – Per Hour report as a scheduled report that is emailed to specified recipients.


    Results are displayed in a table and can be exported as a CSV file for processing outside the Voiso application. For each hour of the specified time interval, the table displays the following parameters and totals for each parameter:

    • Total inbound calls
    • Abandons
    • Answered calls
    • Abandoned Calls %

    Scheduled reports

    This report can be scheduled to be delivered to one or more email addresses. For more information about scheduling reports, refer to Historical reports overview.

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