Real-time dashboard overview
    • 16 Jan 2025
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    Real-time dashboard overview

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Monitor the performance of your contact center in real time so that you can respond to changes quickly, improving efficiency.


    The Voiso Real-time dashboards and widgets bring clarity and organization to the day-to-day operations of your contact center. Dashboards enable you to be aware of changes before they become critical.

    In the Real-time dashboard page, you can add new dashboards, then add and configure widgets that display metrics in the form of charts and tables.

    Reporting Using The Real-time Dashboard

    Reposition widgets by dragging them around the dashboard.

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Moving Widgets

    The Real-time dashboards are divided into groups. Each dashboard group includes widgets for monitoring different performance indicators. You can mix and match widgets on a single dashboard or create multiple thematic dashboards.

    The following widget groups and widgets are available:

    Agent Monitoring

    Agent CounterDisplay the number of agents by status in a pie chart view, including the total number of logged-in agents.
    Agent ListMonitor agents in real-time by selected state and metrics and access Agent Zoom to view historical metrics, manage queue assignments, and initiate call monitoring features.
    Agent Activity DurationDisplay the total time that agents spent in each status.
    Redial CounterShow the number of call attempts to a destination number during the reporting period.
    Talk Time / Unique ClientsDisplay a comparative bar graph showing the time agents talked to unique contacts.
    Wrap-Up CodesDisplay the wrap-up codes associated with calls your team has placed.
    Keyword CounterDisplay the number of times specific keywords occurred in conversations.
    Service LevelDisplay the Time to first response, Time to reply, and Time to resolution statistics.

    Dialer Monitoring

    Campaign - Call DispositionDisplay the number of campaign calls by the call result: answered, no answer, busy, rejected, or failed.
    Campaign StatusDisplay metrics such as the average time it takes for an agent to answer a call and the average call length.
    Campaign - Dial AttemptsDisplay the number of times that each campaign contact was called.
    Campaign - Agent CounterDisplay the number of agents who have joined the campaign and their status.
    Campaign - Wrap-up CodesDisplay the number of campaign calls by wrap-up code.

    Queue Monitoring

    Average Speed of AnswerDisplay the average time it takes for a call to be answered by an agent.
    Average Call Duration by QueueShow the average length of calls by queue.
    Queue CounterShow the number of calls in each queue to assist with rebalancing agents.
    Agent Counter by QueueShow the number of agents assigned to each queue.
    In-queue AbandonsDisplay the percentage and ratio of inbound calls dropped after the call reached a queue.
    Pre-queue AbandonsDisplay the percentage and ratio of inbound calls dropped before reaching a queue.

    Calling Number Monitoring

    ASR By Caller ID By CountryShow the percentage of successfully connected calls to the total number of attempted calls by country.

    Adding dashboards and widgets

    To display the Real-time dashboard, from the Voiso navigation bar, navigate to Reporting > Real-time dashboard.

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Empty View

    Adding dashboards

    To get started, click Create dashboard.

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Create New Dashboard Panel

    In the Create new dashboard panel (1), give the dashboard a name.


    Voiso enables you to create as many dashboards as you need. You can easily switch between them, so give them names that help you remember the focus of each dashboard.

    Use the Shift start time menu (2) to specify the time from which various statistics and metrics are calculated and reported.

    By default, the Time zone menu (3) displays the time zone of your contact center. You can change the time zone to another one, such as the time zone where most of your contacts or agents reside.

    Click Create (4) to add a new dashboard to the Real-time dashboard page.

    To switch between dashboards, use the Select dashboard menu.

    To add a new empty dashboard, click the Select dashboard menu, then click Add dashboard. Give the new dashboard a unique name, then click Create. Click Add widget to add widgets to your new dashboard.

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Add New Dashboard From Menu

    Adding widgets

    To add a widget, from the Real-time dashboard page, click Add widget. The Add new widget panel is displayed. The widgets are listed by group. Click 'i' next to the name of the widget for details about the widget. Click the icon next to the widget name to select it, then click Add to display the Edit widget panel. Specify the parameters for the widget, then click Save.

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Add Widget

    For details about the purpose and parameters of each widget, refer to the following articles:

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