Queue Monitoring overview
    • 08 Mar 2024
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    Queue Monitoring overview

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    Article summary


    Monitor activity on your queues to troubleshoot issues and ensure proper agent balancing.

    Queue Monitoring

    Average Speed of AnswerDisplay the average time it takes for a call to be answered by an agent.
    Average Call Duration by QueueShow the average length of calls by queue.
    Queue CounterShow the number of calls in each queue to assist with rebalancing agents.
    Agent Counter by QueueShow the number of agents assigned to each queue.
    In-queue AbandonsDisplay the percentage and ratio of inbound calls dropped after the call reached a queue.
    Pre-queue AbandonsDisplay the percentage and ratio of inbound calls dropped before reaching a queue.


    Queue monitoring enables you to detect potential issues before they become critical. If the average speed of answer drops or the in-queue abandons rate rises, you can move agents from one Queue to another to keep all queues in balance.


    You can display multiple widgets of the same type. Voiso enables you to assign a custom name to each widget.

    Modifying and removing widgets

    In the top right corner of each widget are two buttons that you can use to modify the widget settings on-the-fly (1) or remove the widget from the Dashboard (2).

    Reporting Real-time Dashboard Settings And Delete Buttons

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