ASR per Caller ID
    • 25 Jul 2024
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    ASR per Caller ID

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    Article summary

    Who should read this article: Administrators, Supervisors

    Report the percentage of successfully connected calls to the total number of attempted calls by Caller ID and optionally by country.


    The answer-seizure ratio (ASR) is a standard telecom measure of network quality and the rate of successful calling attempts (calling effectiveness). ASR is the ratio of answered calls to total call attempts, expressed as a percentage.

    A higher ASR indicates a higher success rate in connecting with called parties. A lower ASR may indicate issues such as call congestion, network problems, or unsuccessful call attempts due to various reasons, including busy signals, call failures, or unanswered calls. When your ASR is low, the first thing to check is whether your Caller IDs are blocked or are incompatible with the destination.

    The ASR per Caller ID report includes the standard telecom ASR as well as other meaningful statistics related to ASR and the Voiso ASR, which does not include calls answered by voicemail. Refer to the Results section below for details.

    Report options

    The ASR per Caller ID report returns ASR values for selected Caller IDs, optionally broken down by country. The ASR per Caller ID report includes only manually dialed and click-to-call outbound calls. Dialer Campaign call ASR values are available in the Campaign Report for each campaign.

    ASR per Caller ID

    The ASR per Caller ID report returns ASR values by selected Caller ID for the date or date range. The ASR per Caller ID report includes only manually dialed and click-to-call outbound calls. Dialer campaign call ASR values are available in the Campaign Report for each campaign.

    Specify the date for which you want to run the report. In the Caller ID tab, select one or more Caller IDs to analyze. Then, click Run report. The report can be downloaded to a CSV file for further processing outside the Voiso application.

    Reporting Create Report ASR Per Caller ID No Country

    You can choose to run the ASR per Caller ID report as a scheduled report that is emailed to specified recipients.

    ASR per Caller ID by country

    The ASR per Caller ID by Country report returns ASR values by country for specified Caller IDs. The ASR per Caller ID by Country report includes only manually dialed and click-to-call outbound calls. Dialer campaign call ASR values are available in the Campaign Report for each campaign.

    Specify the date for which you want to run the report and select one or more Caller IDs to analyze. Click Show breakdown by country to display the Countries tab. Select one or more countries for the report, then click Run report. The report can be downloaded to a CSV file for further processing outside the Voiso application.

    Reporting Create Report ASR Per Caller ID By Country


    The ASR per Caller ID report returns ASR statistics for Caller IDs that had at least one call on the specified day.

    Reporting Create Report ASR Per Caller ID Results

    The ASR per Caller ID by Country report returns ASR statistics for Caller IDs that had at least one call on the specified day by countries (a Caller ID might be used for more than one country).

    Reporting Create Report ASR Per Caller ID By Country Results

    The report tables contain the following columns:

    Caller IDThe Caller ID used for the outbound call.
    Country(optional) The country to which the calls were made.
    Total Call AttemptsThe total number of call attempts made to the country.
    Effective CallsThe number of calls that exceeded the Effective Call Duration timer (effective).
    Effective + Not EffectiveThe number of answered calls that exceeded the Effective Call Duration timer plus the number of calls that did not exceed the Effective Call Duration timer. This value does not include calls answered by Voicemail (DVM).
    Telecom Ans. RatioAnswer Seizure Ratio used by telecom businesses. The number of effective calls plus the number of not effective calls, including calls answered by voicemail (DVM), divided by the total number of call attempts, expressed as a percentage.
    ASRVoiso Answer Seizure Ratio. The number of effective calls plus the number of not effective calls divided by the total number of call attempts, expressed as a percentage. This is the same as the Ans. Ratio in the ASR by Caller ID by country Real-time dashboard widget.
    Effective / TotalThe number of effective calls divided by the total number of call attempts, expressed as a percentage.

    Scheduled reports

    This report can be scheduled to be delivered to one or more email addresses. For more information about scheduling reports, refer to Historical reports overview.

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